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Saturday, December 25, 2021




By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 25.12.2021

Believers blindly condemning each other’s denominations (OperaNews., 2021) is not helpful and healthy! Though criticisms help in shaping individuals and the societies, criticisms must not be confused with condemnations or judgments (Matthew a. , 7:1-3. KJV. 1611). To say that someone would go to Hell because of what he/she does is condemnation (OperaNews., 2021): it is not criticism or advice. However, when one says that he/she thinks that what you are doing might lead you to hell, this person is constructively criticizing or advising you. 

Figure 1: Forgive Your Neighbor, Greet and Smile for PEACE.

Jesus has warned against condemnation or judgment, not only because the same would be measured unto you (Matthew a. , 7:1-3. KJV. 1611), but it can also sparks up anger between individuals or groups (Konishi, 2017). It is natural that most human beings on earth would not like to be judged, if you do not want others to condemn or judge you, do not condemn or judge them. You can criticize what you think that others did not do right or advise them, but do not judge or condemn any. Hence: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Editor., 2019). 

If anyone believes in God and “His only begotten son” (John., 3:16. KJV; Luke., 1:26-45. KJV; Matthew., 1:18-21. KJV), Jesus Christ; then, he/she must first of all know that the body of Christ is only ONE and not “divided” (George, 2006). So believers should also be united in Christ but not divided. These texts above are some few texts that confirm that Christmas is Biblical. If God Himself has sent an Angel, Gabriel, to announce the conception of Jesus and praised Mary (Luke., 1:26-45. KJV. 1611), even when she was not yet pregnant, what does that one alone signifies?

The disciples themselves even said that it is not everything that is in the Holy Bible, there are many Biblical issues that are not found there. The sixth and seventh books of Moses’ call are examples. Jesus could have condemned the woman caught in adultery (John, 8:3-11. KJV. 1611), but as someone who practices what he preaches (Matthew, 7:1-3. KJV; Luke, 11:2-4. KJV), he still showed the woman that everyone rejected; agape love (Matthew, 22:34-40, 1611) without judging her.

As a season of Love, the celebration of Christmas will not complete without forgiving our neighbors and praying for “forgiveness” (Long et al., 2020) to love for peace and health”. The best way to prove your love of God always especially this time is to try and forgive someone who hurts you most. Your forgiveness is complete only if you can sincerely exchange a pleasant smile with the one that you have forgiven. Let us all avoid judgments or condemnations but criticize for Peace and Health! Thank for Reading!



Editor. (2019). Faith in Focus: The Golden Rule in All Faiths. Faith, Retrieved from on 15.01.2021 at 6:34PM.

George, T. (2006). Is Christ Divided? And two more apostolic questions today's church must answer. Essays, Retrieved from on 04.07.2020 at 2:51PM.

John, a. (8:3-11. KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (p. 990). London: Cambridge University Press.

John. (3:16. KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (p. 982). London: Cambridge University Press.

Konishi, N., Oe, T., Shimizu, H., Tanaka, K., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2017). Perceived Shared Condemnation Intensifies Punitive Moral Emotions. Sci Rep, 7:7289. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07916-z.

Long, K., N., G., Worthington Jr., E., L., VanderWeele, T., J., & Chen, Y. (2020). Forgiveness of Others and Subsequent Health and Well-being in Mid-life: a Longitudinal Study on Female Nurses. BMC Psychol, 8:104. Doi: 10.1186/s40359-020-00470-w.

Luke, a. (11:2-4. KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (p. 959). London: Cambridge University Press.

Luke. (1:26-45. KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (pp. 942-943). London: Cambridge University Press.

Matthew. (22:34-40, 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty’s Special Command (p. 910). London: Cambridge University Press.

Matthew, a. (7:1-3. KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW . In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (p. 890). London: Cambridge University Press.

Matthew. (1:18-21. KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments (p. 885). London: Cambridge University Press.

OperaNews. (2021). Christmas Is Not Biblical, You Will Go To Hell If You Celebrate It – Osomafo Mensah. Traditional Customs or Festivals, Retrieved on 25.12.2021 at 3:38AM from

Sunday, December 19, 2021




By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 19.12.2021

Though all the 5Ps of Life are interconnected (Niriwa, 2021), effective or successful preparation also needs seven (7) interconnected Ps. Three examples of these 7Ps that cannot be ignored in every preparation are peace, prayers, and patience; as in the 5Ps of Life. Just as there are physical and spiritual lives: there are also two main types of preparation in life – physical and spiritual. As most Christians are preparing for Christmas, though in most cases we pay more attention to the physical preparation by buying new clothing, gifts, decorating offices or homes and so on; the spiritual preparation must not be left out.

This can be easy when one applies the 7Ps of preparation especially peace, prayers and patience (Fig. 1.). Everyone needs a peaceful environment to prepare well! An action prayer is one that is done with faith; so, Akua Serwaa Bonsu, in her album “Ebeye Yie” says that: “Gyedie nnim a obi nti mi nso a ni” (Bonsu, 2020). What she means is that, without faith no one can please God! The fruit of faith is patience; no one can say that he/she has faith but cannot have the patience to “Wait upon God” (Green, 2017; Graham, 2016). Prayer and patience prepare the person praying physically and spiritually for internal or interpersonal peace.

Being patience as a believer, means that you must always allow God’s will to be done in your prayer(s) and whatever situation(s) you find yourself. A person who has faith or believes in God does not do what everyone does but that which is the will of God. Example, if you have faith or believe in God, you don’t just get married because everyone, especially your age mates are marrying; you would prepare with patience or faith, pray, act and patiently allow God’s will to be done. This is exactly my own story!

I personally practiced whatever I write, and that is preparation! I have worked in the health sector for over eighteen years (18 years). I could have been able to rent any apartment of my choice, but I always consider my background. So, I have stayed in a single room for over 17yrs whilst using the little that I have to help others. Example, I have been able to help my brother right from childhood till he completed SHS. It was my intention to help him complete at least college or university. But, though I am still single and is taking care of him; he got married and gave birth despite all the pieces of advice that I have been giving to him.

Now, look at how my patience is tested! I still treat him nicely, convincing him to at least complete college and let his wife also learn a trade/business, whilst they hold on with the next delivery. Lo and behold, she became pregnant again and he used that as an excuse for why he could not further his education. Upon all that, I have to still help him to start his own business and be self-dependent.

So, how am I benefiting from this patience? Being patience is what has helped me to be able to prepare my brother for life. Now, he is self-dependent and even have someone who is working for him! For the past three years, he did not come and bother me again for help. He is now also man enough to be able to help others. If I were not patience, I could have become angry and decided to ignore him. He could have been a burden not only to the family, but the society at large. But, now he is helpful to the family and the general society!     

Thank you for Reading!

Figure 1. Applying Prayer and Patience in Preparation


Bonsu, A. S. (2020, April 14). Ebeye Yie. Retrieved from KKBOX: Retrieved from on 16.12.2020 at 7:45AM

Graham, R. (2016). Patience and Faith - Waiting Upon God. 1-3. Retrieved from on 26th February 2019 at 4:58PM.

Green, L. (2017). What to Do While You’re Waiting on God. Spiritual Growth, Retrieved on 26.02.19 at 6:10PM from

Niriwa, B. P. (2021). Prayer, Preparation, Patience, Praises, and PEACE: Introduction to the 5Ps of Life for the 21st Century’s Peace. Opinions, Article, Retrieved on 21.10.2021 at 12:40AM from

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Preparation, Mistakes and Apologies


Preparation, Mistakes and Apologies

By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 12.12.2021

The failure to accept your mistakes (Jones, & Towse, 2019) and say sorry when you wrong someone or others, does not means that you are a tough person! Correcting ones mistakes helps him/her to be perfect in what he/she does. When I first started writing and posting, I was not adding references; I just say what is in my mind without checking to find out if some writers/researchers have said likewise. I was also not using writing templates I have been doing. Later, when I first started using templates, my backgrounds were not beautiful like now as could be confirmed from my previous templates.

I intentionally did not edit them for a reason, but those previous mistakes that I have made have helped to improve my writing skills also my templates more beautiful. Though some writers did not refer to me, though those templates that I was making are not beautiful, they gave clue to some writers who started designing templates to post short messages.

When applied in humans’ relationships, one’s ability to accept mistakes is part of the driving forces like the fear of God, love or being humble that helps him/her to be able to say “sorry” (Brabham, 2021; Freedman et al., 2017; Fig. A.). Though some people are of the view that “Saying Sorry” might not be helpful (Freedman et al., 2017), it is the best way to prepare for forgiveness for fostering peaceful relationship. Unfortunately, some people on earth find it very difficult to accept their mistakes!

This is probably because some people also have misconceptions that accepting ones mistakes and saying sorry is a sign of weakness! The failure of others to accept mistakes is one of the major contributory factors of most violence on earth. If people can genuinely accept their mistakes and be ready to say sorry, most violence on earth could be avoided. If I have wronged anyone, please I am sorry. Thank you for Reading!

Fig. A. Preparation: Accepting and Correcting Mistakes for Peace


Brabham, M. (2021). How to Really Apologize — and Why Saying Sorry Is Important: Experts share how to be the most effective when making amends. Live, Family, Retrieved on 12.12.2021 at 8:05PM from

Freedman, G., Burgoon, E., M., Ferrell, J., D., Pennebaker, J., W., & Beer, J., S. (2017). When Saying Sorry May Not Help: The Impact of Apologies on Social Rejections. . Front Psychol, 8:1375. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01375.

Jones, H., S., & Towse, J., N. (2019). Why Do People Make Mistakes? Changing the Narrative around Human Errors over Email. Technical Rep, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.24712.67845.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Applying the 5Ps in the Month of Love and Victory for Victory into Victory


Applying the 5Ps in the Month of Love and Victory for Victory into Victory

By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 05.12.2021

Though witnessing the last month of the year, December, is a free gift from God, good application of the 5Ps of Life: “Prayer, Preparation, Patience, Praises, and PEACE” (Niriwa, 2021) is also a contributory factor. To successfully end this month victoriously into 2022, we must not be over complacent and relax. The God who has brought us this far is with us and will always be us but we must also continue to remind Him of we want.

This is even the time we need to use the 5Ps (Fig. 1.) and read the Holy Books the most. The only person who would go and stand in the middle of the road/street, ignoring moving vehicles because he/she has prayed is one who wants to commit suicide indirectly. This is where applying the 5Ps of Life comes in! To be able to end this month victoriously, everyone needs an action “prayer” (Stupart, 2020; Smith, 2019): this means that as you pray, you also prepare and wait patiently on God.

To pray without acting is like someone who puts water on a gas cooker without turning on the cylinder but thinks that he/she is heating the water or cooking. To heat water or cook, you must turn on the gas cylinder! Action in the sense that whatever you pray for, you must also do something toward achieving it for God to help achieve it. Next week we will talk specifically about preparation! Thank you for Reading!

Figure 1. Applying the 5Ps for Victory into 2022


Niriwa, B., P. (2021). Prayer, Preparation, Patience, Praises, and PEACE: Introduction to the 5Ps of Life for the 21st Century’s Peace. Opinions, Article, Retrieved on 21.10.2021 at 12:40AM from

Smith, C. (2019). How to Prepare to Pray. Spiritual Growth, Retrieved on 13.09.2021 at 3:40AM from

Stupart, Y. (2020). 7 Steps to More Effective Prayer. Humanities, Retrieved on 13.09.2021 at 4:21AM from

Happy Appreciative New Year: 2025; Here We Come, All Glory Be to God!

  Happy Appreciative New Year: 2025; Here We Come, All Glory Be to God! By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa. In Religious Peace. 01.01.2025. Intr...