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Tuesday, November 19, 2024




Promote Political Peace for Global Peace, Quality Health and Entrepreneurship.

By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, In Political Peace 08.11.2024.



Politics is like the numbers “01, 6, 9, 16, 18, 19, 61, 68, 81, 89”, letters “d, p” or “w”, and the words “NO” or “SOW” (Ayonrinde et al., 2020; Pulle, 2021b; Vinkers et al., 2015; Fig 1). They give differing look and meaning depending on how one holds to look at them. One can write these numbers, letters or words on a plain piece of paper and try to look at them from different directions. How these figures look differently is the same way that political opinions appear to people of different political parties. Because of these differences in political opinions, the most insulted Presidents in increasing order have been His Excellency Former President J. A. Kufuor, Former President J. A. Mills of blessed memory, and Former President John Mahama. But we can all still be able to see these figures the same if we put the love of the country first, instead of individual, political, religious, tribal or whatever interest.

Figure 1: The Numerology of Politics and Its Contribution to Peace or Violence.

Most Ghanaian leaders are amongst some of the best on earth, but they are taken for granted. Our leaders are insulted more than the praises that they rightly deserved. Ghanaians’ hospitability and peace-loving nature is undebatable. But the growing thirst for dirty politics for political point is spoiling this. What is worrying is that the leaders that rightly deserved praises are insulted without respect for their office. The praises that these leaders deserve are rather given to the wrong ones who falsely praised. Example is how Former President Mahama has ended dumsor and President Akufo-Addo has been falsely rather falsely praised for ending it (Tali, 2020).  

Former President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of blessed memory, is no one co-equal in Ghana! This national assert’s name and achievements in his political carrier were should have been promoted by all Ghanaians despite one’s political affiliation. Projecting the First President of Ghana name and achievements alone could have possibly served as foreign exchange. This is because his ability to help Ghana gain independent as the first sub-Saharan African country to do so was a great achievement that is still recognized by some Western nations. Despite punishing the nation by not promoting him, some politicians also denigrate him (Mensah, 2024;, 2024).

His Excellency Former President John Agyekum Kufuor: Most Ghanaians can still remember the lies and insults that were poured on His Excellencies Former President John A. Kufuor and Former President John D. Mahama; these are leaders who are exceptionally good, but we take them for granted. Former President John Agyekum Kufuor has a track record for being a gentle politician who has never passed any negative comment about any politician in Ghana. These former presidents have done a lot for Ghana and the reward for their good works should have been how we respect them. The respect that they should have received for their good works were rather replaced with false accusations and unjustifiable insults.

His Excellency Former President John: Former President J.E. Mills of blessed memory was another good leader who was doing exceedingly well, but was still severely insulted and even disrespected! He nearly resigned as President because of these heartless treatments being meted out to him (Peace., 2016;, 2020). The worst form of it all was how he was falsely announced to have passed on, meanwhile he was not even on admission! His beautiful side is that, throughout his life as a politician, he was a gentle man and has never personally attacked any individual or group. If not because of dirty politics, why will such a nice and kind-hearted man who love even his political opponents be treated like that (, 2017;, 2012)?

His Excellency Former President John Dramani Mahama: Former President Mahama is sadly the most falsely accused and most insulted leader in Ghana. Aside him successfully ending the first term of his boss, he did a lot for Ghana when was voted for to end his last term. He was falsely accused for introducing erratic power supply (dumsor) in Ghana though it was an old cyclic canker which he inherited (Adehe, 2021;, 2019). He did not complaint nor shift blame! Yet his name was suddenly modified with dumsor added to it. So, under normal circumstance, he ought to have been commended for remaining calm and ending the canker (Emmanuel, 2022; MG, 2022).

The stark truth is that, dumsor dates back even the era colonial rule. To help solve that, then Dr. Kwame Nkrumah constructed the Akosombo dam which has been the source of electrical power supply. During the era of Former President Kufuor, Ghanaians have witnessed dumsor and that was one of the major reasons why he cut sod for the construction of Bui Dam. But everything right from the beginning to the end was done by Former President Mills and Former President Mahama (Owusu-Adjapong, 2018; Kumi, 2017).

Former President Mahama had the best plan for the energy sector in the 4th republic! Unfortunately, after ending dumsor with even excess electrical power because of his ambition of making Ghana an exporter of electricity, he is only remembered for the excess power and is still insulted for that (Larnyoh, 2020; Sarkodie, 2019). Ending dumsor was part of his short-term plan, his long term was to provide Ghana with permanent stable electricity. Surprisingly, President Akufo-Addo who did nothing for the energy sector at the time he took over, was rather false praised as the one who ended dumsor (Opoku, 2020; Pulle, 2021; Pulle b, 2021). That alone was an insult!

Evidence from the above and personal observation revealed that Former President Mahama is the one who successfully ended the cyclical dumsor before he left office in 2017. The excess electrical power supply that this current over politicized (Annang, 2024) forgetting that this same person has helped Ghana to now process their own gas at Atuabo was an evident. The confession by the current Vice President who is now the flag bearer of NPP that Mahama ended is also another evidence. Falsely praising His Excellency President Akufo-Addo though he is not the one who really ended dumsor was an insult to the Former President (Britton, 2021; Tali, 2020).

For the dumsor that occurred in 2021, government was already advised that they should “take over AMERI plant”; else there would be erratic power supply. Despite being cautioned, government failed to successfully do so and that was one of the reasons for 2021 dumsor (Adogla-Bessa, 2021). Yet to equalize victimization, Former President was rather still falsely accused for that dumsor (Ayamga, 2021).

The same shifting of blames and equalization of victim is also seen in this year’s dumsor! The Former President whilst a President could not influence Volta River Authority (VRA), Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and GRIDCo; so, there was dumsor. But in opposition, he is rather allegedly influencing them to create artificial dumsor (Annang, 2024). Do we really love Ghana?


Consequences of Bad Political Opinions Using Numerology and Newton’s Laws of Motions.

The type of leader obviously influenced behaviors of his/her supporters. That is what I have personally observed between His Excellency Former President J. A. Kufuor and President Akufo-Addo.  During the era Former President Kufuor NPP was very tolerant; but NPP under President Akufo-Addo has suddenly become intolerant, especially before he became President and the first term of his presidency. If Ghanaians still pretend as if everything is okay, the nation might be taken by a big surprise. The increasing insults of leaders like metastasizing cancer that is spreading by hard need to be delt with, to preserve the good name of the nation.

Growing up as child, it was taboo for a child to insult anyone older than him or her. But because of the increasing dirty political mentality that is adulterating our beautiful varied cultures, politicians openly insult themselves. All the three laws of motions are found to be applicable in Ghana’s politics just like the numerology. Using these laws and numerology, readers can explain why politics of insults as a result of bad political mentality is now becoming normal in Ghana.

Below are the Newton’s laws of motions (Hall, 2024):

1.      Newton’s First Law of Motion (also known as Inertia): An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

2.      Newton’s Second Law of Motion (that talks about Force): The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.

3.      Newton’s Third Law of Motion (Action & Reaction): Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

Numerology which talks about the differences in political opinions is the trigger of everything. Like the Newton’s first law of motion above, politics of insult would not have become normal in Ghana if no politician insulted the other. Now a politician has insulted another and political insults is going on in the country, what Newton’s first law is saying that, if nothing is done to stop it; then it will become cyclical. So, the desire for political points that is making some politicians openly lie against their opponents; if not stopped would promote this cyclic cancer. The 6 interconnected magical words of peace if applied by all politicians in their political campaigns if they really love Ghana, would preserve her enviable peaceful nature, for economic development (Pulle, 2021c).

Then from Newton’s second law of motion, the more politicians insult each other the more the politics of insults would also become normal amongst them and their followers. To reduce the frequency or stop politics of insults, it means that the force that is pushing politicians into insulting themselves must be discovered and delt with. That force is nothing but the fulfillment of personal or political goals at the expense of patriotism. So, to deal with this canker politicians must always put the interest of their nation first before any other interest. This can also be found in the 6 interconnect magical words of peace (Pulle, 2021c).

With respect to the Newton’s third law of motion, now the societal is reacting! Two Ghanaian leaders are on records to have been insulted by even little children for no offense. Former President Mahama was insulted by 3 years old kids (Agyapong, 2015; Febiri, 2015). What is even very worrying is the tribalism associated with the children’s insults. These sorts of insults, especially by little children of such ages indirectly exposed what might be possibly going on with various societies of the nation. This has the possibility of creating division amongst citizens instead of unity (Agyapong, 2015).

His Excellency President Akufo-Addo is also insulted by 8 senior high school students (Arhinful, 2023). From news these students were sacked for insulted him, but he told the authority of the schools to forgive them and re-admit them (Forson, 2023). That explained that the President has a good heart, but it definitely means that there is something wrong in our various societies that must be delt with. Like in the case of Former President Mahama above, it is not possible that a child of only 3-years would just start insulting a leader.

One of the gentle politicians that I admire so much, the former minister of health “Dr. Kweku Agyemang Manu”, has also been insulted (Awudu, 2021). But this is another gentle politician who, like many of our politicians, has never openly insulted any individual or group throughout his political career.

Some traditional rulers are openly seen and heard insulting citizens for making genuine complaints (Annang, 2022;, 2024). But opinion leaders play significant roles in maintaining peace and order in various societies through their dissolutions of disputes. Those chiefs known for making bias comments against other parties may be bias. The chiefs are also normal human beings and have every right to support any political party of their choices, but it is still possible to belong to a political party and still remain neutral in issues of national importance.

Hon. Kennedy Agyapong is the best example when it comes to issues of national importance! He has ever engaged in dirty politics before, but one trademark about him is that; he is always neutral any time he is talking about national issues. This is what those chiefs seen openly involved in partisan politics luck! A whole chief was seen and heard seriously campaigning for a political party with claims that he was not able to provide even a single example. But because of those claims which are indeed false, he was telling his community members to come out in their numbers to vote for that political party (, 2024). That is purely unethical as a chief!

Economic Crisis as One of the Consequences of Bad Numerology and Political Opinions.

The Akufo-Addo/Bawumiah government have been suddenly shifting blames at COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukraine war as the major cause of economic crisis in Ghana. Though there is undeniable fact that these external shocks contributed to the problem, Ghana was already going through economic crisis before these shocks. Few months after the President took over power in 2017, Ghanaians started feeling the economic crisis and complained about it but were told that the President was cleaning Mahama’s mess (, 2017; GhanaPoliticsOnline.Com., 2017).

The next year, though some Ghanaians were still complaining, the Vice President was heard saying that he has made the national currency stable and so the keys were given to IGP to lock it so that it would not depreciate again (Annang, 2018). The President response to the citizens’ complaints was that, he was still cleaning Former President Mahama’s “Big mess” to create wealth in Ghana (, 2018). It was revealed that despite the over politicization of the economy, the President’s behavior rather revealed that the economy was not as bad as he alleged. This was confirmed by the size of his government (3News., 2018;, 2019).

The next behavior that exposed the true nature of the economy was the President’s confidence that Ghana was “beyond” aide (Kumi E. , 2020). He was always seen and heard talking with evidence that Ghana does not need to still be depending on foreign aides, especially 2017 and 2018. If the economy that was handed over to him was too bad as he was claiming, what was giving him the confidence to form the largest government in the history of Ghana? It is obvious also that he would have faced difficulties paying for all those ministers and their bees-like servants? Yet the President was able to pay all of them without complaint and still talk about “Ghana beyond aides” with sure confidence.

Records show that since the President took over from Former President Mahama in January 2017 the interest of investors which was very high, suddenly dropped like an inflated car tire. In 2017, it is revealed that, Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in Ghana alone amounted to a huge sum of “$13 billion” (Amuzu, 2024). An economy that was really weak would not have been able to yield that huge sum of money. Bad economic management in a violent environment would not have been able to draw interest of investors to invest in Ghana. But President Akufo-Addo still tried to politicize such a beautiful economy that was handed over to him.

What clearly exposed this government was their failure to acknowledge the good works of their predecessors like Former President Mills of blessed memory did during commissioning of the first oil production in Ghana (, 2017). Former President Mills also gave invitation to Former President Kufuor to attend the commissioning of the “N1 Highway” which his predecessor provided funds for (, 2012). Unlike Former President Mills, Akufo-Addo during the commissioning of “Tema Motorway Interchange” for which the funding was provided by Former President Mahama, still chose to politicize it (Acheampong, 2020; Arhinful, 2020a).

How he politicized the economic achievements of his predecessor, though Ghana was benefiting from “$13 billion” FDI was the same way he politicized his undeniable massive infrastructural achievements. This is where dirty political mentality is exposed! The NPP in 2017 could not even give credit to the NDC government for the $13 billion, but they jubilated when Ghana got “$3,000 million” from the International Monetary Fund ‘IMF’ (Asiedu., 2024). But this increased FDI was what contributed to the stabilization of the cedi that Dr. Bawumia boasted about in 2018 (Annang, 2018).

These revelations mean that the Former President was only falsely tagged as “incompetent” for political points and nothing else. If the huge FDI above was nothing, why is the current finance minister so happy about the intention of some investors investing in Ghana? Though investors showed interest on at the later part of last month since this government took over power (, 2024), they still do not have confidence in the government. That was obviously one of the reasons why they want to leave, and the finance minister has pleaded with them to stay (Obodai, 2024b).

Though the local currency got slightly stabilized in 2018, evidence revealed that Ghana’s economy also started retrogressing with citizens complaining about economic hardships since then. The President’s spiritual advisor by then chose a cheap way of dealing with the crisis by shifting blames at the Former President (Enoku, 2018; Rashad., 2018). Since President Akufo-Addo took over as the President of Ghana, there was no single year that the economy was good. It was only complaint of economic hardships, but the government was still deceiving Ghanaians to trust in them as the “best” managers of the economy (, 2022). Comments like: “Akufo-Addo makes John Mahama Looks Very Competent” (Adutwumwaa, 2019) also described the nature of the economy in 2019. It was an indirect measure of the President’s performance!

This is where their politics of deception was exposed again! In 2021 the economy was obviously very bad and Ghanaians were still complaining. The Vice President himself was also captured saying that: “we’re fighting demons, principalities” (Tenya-Ayettey, 2021), which critics disagreed (, 2021). Despite this fact that Ghanaians were going through hardships, the finance minister was heard falsely claiming: “We’ve reduced the suffering of Ghanaians” (Nyabor, 2021).

Since these false claims till date, there has not been any positive change in the economy. But both the President and the former finance minister were heard claiming that the economy has been well managed and transformed, Ghana was then “moving ahead” (Annang, 2023). The former finance minister also claimed again that: “Stability of the Ghanaian economy has been achieved and confidence restored” (MOF., 2023). But the revelation where some investors who initially wanted to invest in Ghana but later some also wanted to leave (Obodai, 2024;, 2024), revealed that investors are still not having confidence in this government.

Despite all these Former President Mahama has been falsely accused for the NPP failure to manage the economy. The NPP with just a month and few days to 8 years, has been consistently shifting blames. This exposed a dirty political mentality where economic crisis under Former President Mahama were allegedly caused by his ‘incompetence’. Yet, face with real economic challenges; they shifted blame at him (Asamoah, 2022), COVID-19, Russia-Ukraine war (Watson, 2024), and even God (Nkansah, 2024; TVN, 2022).


Conclusion, Suggestions and Recommendations

Most politicians in Ghana are definitely still very decent despite the increasing politics of insults! These politicians like Hon. Kyei-Mensah Bonsu who has never openly insult any of their political opponents or colleagues, despite being politicians for years could have been used as mentors. He should have been the best running mate for Bawumia as a way of encouraging young politicians to emulate him, unfortunately, he is not. This is because it is now becoming clear that the Presidency is out for sale to only people who are rich, as seen in the hesitation that accompanied the running mate of NPP (Mahama, 2024). I am not in any way trying denigrate the current NPP’s running mate. But many unwholesome comments that have been made by him (Benedict, 2024) would never be heard from the lips of Hon. Kyei-Mensah Bonsu. This is a painful truth!

He has made many false accusations against the NDC which were not true. His allegation linking NDC to the “shoot and kill” illegal miners’ comment was a false claim. This was the reasons why the audience booed at him when he was saying it (Kabutey, 2024; Awuni, 2024). Evidence coming from this statement revealed that it was first suggested in the floor of parliament by NPP MP in 2018. In 2023 he still insisted that shooting to kill illegal miners is the best way to end galamsey (, 2023; a. , 2018). His comment that: “NDC party is responsible for the death of popular pastors in the country …” (Benedict, 2024) is also not true.

These false accusations are all contributing to increased tensions, anger and politics of insults. Once children are seen openly disrespecting and insulting our leaders, this alone should have been a red flag to our dearest politicians (Korto, 2024). Far from that because of the zeal for political power, some politicians are still falsely accusing each other (Benedict, 2024), resulting into anger and insults. There are also allegations that because of him some people are leaving the party just like “floating voters” (Asare, 2024;, 2024). They are leaving NPP because some negative perceptions about NAPO have been worsened by his false accusations and disrespect for Former President Kwame Nkrumah (Amoako, 2024).

Some other suggestions and recommendations are:

1.      Recognizing opponents’ achievements is a way of encouraging unity. Politicians must learn to stop politicizing everything, especially issues of national importance.

2.      Anyone who engages in politics of deception and lies is indirectly causing mistrust in political leaders. It must be stopped.

3.      Politicians must learn to respect each other. Insulting political opponents is not a mark for bravery.

4.      Insults and political lies can be reduced drastically or eliminated if politicians always the 6 magical words of peace in their daily interactions.

5.      Politicians with exceptional beautiful conducts should be identified and used as mentors to erase the negative perception that politics is a dirty game. This would promote trust.

6.      False accusations mostly used by some politicians create anger, division, hatred and even violence; everyone on earth must avoid falsely accusing others.


Some References

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Amuzu, A. (2024). Ghana saw the Highest FDI during Mahama’s tenure-Franklin Cudjoe. Business. General News, Retrieved from; on 04.10.2024 at 5:08 AM.

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