By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 01.11.2021
Fig. 1. Promote the Safety Your Neighbor to Promote Your Own Safety
If there is anyone who still keeps thinking like the “foolish rich man” in the Holy Bible (Luke., 12: 14-20; Niriwa, 2021), he/she should wake from sleeping. COVID-19 (Cucinotta & Vanelli, 2020) and other pandemics
Before you can smile and laugh genuinely, make sure that your neighbor is safe: You are not safe until your neighbors are safe! The safety of your neighbor would be a concern to you only if you love him/her. When you hate someone, in most cases, you wish that person evil or even painfully, death. Such thoughts are “mortal sins”
Letting your thinking(s) about your neighbor to be purely white like snow with no evil intentions can be a measure of how you love him/her (Matthew 22:34-40; Surah Al-Baqarah., 2:165). When you have no evil intentions about your neighbors and they have no evil intention(s) about you, it gives all of you healthy hearts, hopes, and happiness to happily pray in peace for peaceful plans to prosper peacefully. In most cases, to be able to do this without difficulty, we may need some divine favor(s) from God. This is one of the reasons why we need to constantly read the Holy books and motivational or peace books that can teach and help us on how to do that
In conclusion, anyone who is a peace lover must avoid the thoughts of “Me” like the foolish rich man and always have the thought(s) of us. Thank you for Reading!
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