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Sunday, April 9, 2023

See Money as Jesus and Judas!


Happy Easter, 09.04.2023

I am “M”! Since creation I made prostitution mistakenly considered as the first profession on earth instead of politics. Because of me Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus (John, 13:18-31, KJV. 1611) and because of me too, Judas died an untimely death. I am a solution to most problems on earth like praying to God in the name of Jesus, and I am also the cause of most problems on earth where betray people like Judas. You can have me through both good and evil ways. If you get me genuinely through hard work, I stay with you if you are humble and do not show off. Saboteurs on earth can also let you lose me. If you get me through evil means, I am normally like air.

I can make you happy and in the shortest time, I vanished. Through this I make those who have I by evil mean criminals for life. Using their zeal to have me always I make them criminals ready to commit more crimes to have me. Then, through their criminal acts of having me they are caught and are mostly killed untimely. I am good to all manner of people and every human being loves me. But if you love me more than neighbor, I make you a problem of the world. Who am I?

I can test your faith! If Judas had faith though he committed a mortal sin, he would have repented and waited for Jesus to rise again from the dead. Then, he would have confessed his sins to him and asked for forgiveness. Everyone normally refer to Thomas as one who does not have faith (John., 20:24-28, KJV. 1611); but to me, the one amongst Jesus’ disciples who does not have faith the most is Judas.  He betrayed Jesus because he still doubted whether Jesus is really the savior. After that he hanged himself because he did not believe that Jesus would rise again.

So, I ask; Judas and Thomas, who really doubted Jesus the most? Money is good! It is good to make money but do not use evil ways to look for money. Judas was deceived, thinking that he was going to become one of the richest people in his community after betraying Jesus. But he could not enjoy that money. When evil people want to deceive to hurt others they use the same strategy, but just like Judas could not enjoy his money; you can get the money but such moneys never last. They are like air that can vanish within a twinkling of your eyes. Love money, make money, but do not value money than your colleague human being.  

Think about it! Think about your faith and how it can help promote national and global PEACE for Quality Health Care Delivery and successful Entrepreneurship. 

 Like Money But Do Not Like It Than Human's Life

Thank you for Reading!



John. (13:18-31, KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST.JOHN. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty’s Special Command (p. 998). London: Cambridge University Press.

John. (20:24-28, KJV. 1611). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty’s Special Command (p. 1006). London: Cambridge University Press.



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