By In Team Sport, Sports and Recreation. Updated on 3rd & 6th January, 2023.
Appreciation Is Peace: Thank You for Making Me Smile In 2022
The Article, In Brief
A world without people is something else but not a world! If one smiles he/she does that because of people: if one cries too, he/she does that because someone is hurting him/her! Despite the fact that one can be inflicted with pains from people and is made to cry, an earth with no human being is like hell. Appreciate the little that others do for and have it easy with people in life: it is not everyone that would hurt you! In this life which is evidently a journey, people on the same route and even using similar means of transport might be going to different places. Whatever everyone wants to achieve legally in life all contribute towards achieving the SDGs of the world. One way that this can be done is by applying the team spirit of a winning football team.
Figure 1: Happy New Year, 2023: Touch God's Heart, Make Someone Smile
A world without people is something else but not a world! If one smiles he/she does that because of people: if one cries too, he/she does that because someone is hurting him/her! Despite the fact that one can be inflicted with pains from people and is made to cry, an earth with no human being is like hell that cannot be enjoyed. Some people may inflict pains on others out of painful experiences that they had from others. Failing to show appreciation for what others have done, has the possibility of hardening their hearts to ignore genuine people who might need similar help. some people are also naturally wicked.
In this life which is evidently a journey (Niriwa, 2022; Mahankali, 2021; Madry, 2019), people can be on the same route and even travel by the same means; but they might be going to different places. Whatever everyone is to legally achieve in life, all contribute to help in the achievement of the world’s Sustainable Development Goals, “SDGs” (Helldén et al., 2022; UN DESA, 2022). One way that this can be done is by applying the team spirit of a winning football team. A winning football team is made up of different players with different qualities and technical tactics that come together as a TEAM.
We can all be Peace Ambassadors by applying the Ten (10) Commandments of God (TEEB a, 2022; Reinhardt, 2021; Snell & Overbey, 2008) and learning from the game of football which most people like, or its rules (Obana et al., 2022; Wing et al., 2022; Mota et al., 2021). In football matches, players especially defenders are seen intentional bringing down their opponents; mostly these opponents have greater chances of scoring them. Tackling from behind or from the back is a serious rule that attracts punishment; which is mostly a yellow card to warn the player, or red card depending on the degree and intention of the attacker.
The same thing happens in real life! Anyone who sees you as a competitor instead of as a friend or partner in the achievement of the common good; would do anything possible to bring you down or sabotage you. The same cannot be said by those who believe that this life is a journey that we are all making and that we are partners in the achievement of the SDGs (Helldén et al., 2022). This is because the success of every individual on earth is indirectly helping the world in achieving her targets for the SDGs.
So, tackling from the back in football can be likened to the person trying to use spiritual means against the person being perceived as a competitor. Intentionally attacking the person face to face can also to be likened to the person physically attacking their victim tagged as a competitor (Rahman et al., 2020).
These wicked tackling by some players with the aim of preventing their opponents from scoring them normally hurt the victims involved. When it like that these victims are hurts and they mostly cry in pains; with some also exaggerating to attract sympathy from the referees. But mostly these same attackers too, in most cases, would pretend as if they have done nothing when the referees want to punish them.
To deal with recalcitrant or stubborn players, sometimes the rules of the football match are changed to bring sanity in the game and make it enjoyable (Obana et al., 2022; Wing et al., 2022; Mota et al., 2021). This can be likened to real life situations where strict laws are passed against certain behaviors of human beings.
Different strategies are also used by the Coaches of each team to ensure that, at the end, there would be a win for their respective teams (Ranchordas et al., 2022; Díez et al., 2021; Di Salvo & Pigozzi, 1998). As part of these strategies, some Teams’ Coaches use multifaceted approach! Example the position that each player plays forms part of the strategies of Coaches to win their matches!
The successful applications of the game’s rules by a player and his/her “Technical-tactical” abilities at a particular position normally determined the position that each player would during a football match (Díez et al., 2021; Di Salvo & Pigozzi, 1998). This reflects our individual abilities in life that one must identify and use them for success. It also reflects how cases are investigated using different approaches to unveil the truth to evidence.
Some Coaches normally allow their important players to rest when they are facing a team that is very good or a tough match (Ranchordas et al., 2022; Nédélec et al., 2015; Abaidia & Dupont, ND). So God in His own wisdom has also created day and night for people to work during the day and rest at night (Howard, 2021; Genesis, 1:14-19, KJV. 1611). In rehabilitative health, rest or sleep is medicine (Ramar et al., 2021).
Some Coaches also make “sudden” changes to their game plan/rules by changing some positions of their players (Díez et al., 2021; Di Salvo & Pigozz, 1998). Example, a Coach who realizes that his defense is weak might substitute to add another person to his defense. When this happened his game plan has been change. If the substitution that is done the best, there would be difficulties penetrating the defense of the team than before. Every human being on earth at one point in life; also needs to do “self-assessment” to help them make some changes in their lives for success (Fishleder et al., 2022;, 2021; Taylor et al., 2020; Burrows, 2018).
In the COVID-19 pandemic, the rules of football matches were not the same as normal times when there was no disease outbreak. The rules of football matches globally were changed because they need to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (Wing et al., 2022; Mota et al., 2021). At that time too, most players were afraid to have contact with their opponent and tackle them like in normal times. There were more fair plays in football matches during COVID-19 because everyone was afraid to have closed bodily contacts like during the periods that there were no SARS-CoV-2 infecting people. If upon all these strategies being put in place and the intentional tackling of colleagues, there is a loss, the loosing team is normally hurt. Depending on the type of competition, some players are normally seen shedding uncontrollable tears.
The same behavior seen amongst footballers is also happening in reality in our daily lives as humans! The football behaviors of players on the field like the attacker’s pretense and the victim’s exaggeration explain why every nation needs the judiciary and the laws. If everyone accepts his/her mistakes and apologize or do the needful, with the exception of few wicked ones who might not accept their apologies, there would be no need going to the law court.
The laws are there because most people do not normally want to accept their faults even when they know very well that they are guilty. In the law court, the referee is likened to the judge and the assistant referees would be likened to the lawyers. The players now become the complainants and defendants respectively. Just like players loose a match and cry; people who lose their cases in the law court also mostly cry out of pains or being hurt.
Crying is mostly tagged as an expression of bad feeling by the general public, but a Psychologist and a Microbiologist would tell you that it is very good for your body (Byun et al., 2020; Bylsma et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2016) “than trying to suppress it” (Benton, 2022). Sometimes when you cry instead of pretending, it helps you release accumulated stress and pains. As part of a physiologic process amongst the three major processes that lead to the reduction of pains in “breast cancer” patients when they cry (Benton, 2022; Sharman et al., 2020), is an immunological process. But instead of making others cry rather learn to make people smile; it does not pay to be wicked but it pays to be a peace lover.
The immunologic mechanism that produces, “immunoglobulin G” (Benton, 2022) when one cries, is a branch of medical microbiology called immunology (, 2020; Marshall et al., 2018). Tears from crying wash away microbes from the eyes; some of which could be pathogenic or infectious. They also act as antimicrobials with bactericidal or bacterial killing effects (McDermott, 2013).
Before the tears would flow, immunological processes are normally first triggered in the body that led to that. Hurting others and making them cry affect our collective efforts to work hard for national and global economic progress. As the world is now in her recovery stage after COVID-19 is brought down to a level that could be managed, the effort of every individual is very critical in this regard.
What this means is that everyone you meet in life is very important in your life; whether he/she is bad or good. No human being on earth is a waste! Whatever experience that you had with anyone or a group is a blessing and an opportunity depending on how you handle it. So, handle it well to prevent violence and learn from it. Reading this background, readers would notice that at the end of every football match, whilst some players are hurt or cry; others are also happy or are seen celebrating.
Example of this is what happened in the 2022 Qatar’s World Cup final between Argentina and France. Whilst Argentina’s players were happy that they have won the World Cup; players of the defending Champions, France, were also seen crying uncontrollably (, 2022). What this means is that sometimes the hurt is not intentionally caused. But what we can do in such a situation is to console each other like it happens in most football matches.
This write-up therefore seeks to identify how the lessons that are normally learnt from football matches are applicable in the lives of humans. Just as some players are hurt and others celebrate, readers would know some of the ways through which people are hurt and made to cry. They would also know how to help people are hurt and see life as a journey with healthy competitions, but not the normally perceived competition. Then suggestions or recommendations would be given based on this review and life experiences.
How Is the Football Match Applicable in Humans’ Life?
Though the world has been practicing democratic governance which is the best, except when abused, the world is rather witnessing increasing violence (Griffith, 2022; Agyeman, 2019; TPA, 2018). So; what this means, especially because politics is one of the leading causes of global violence is that, the world might be practicing abused democracy (Adamson, 2021; Bartuservičius, 2020). Violence in the world is claiming more deaths above “1.6 million” yearly globally (TPA, 2018). Just last month some Burkinabes had to run away from their homes to Ghana for fear of being murdered by suspected terrorists (Balu, 2022; GNA, 2022).
The levels of violence in the world could be significantly reduced depending on the mentality that people start every New Year with. To help people develop a positive mentality, this write-up would help people learn lessons from football and apply them in their daily lives. Readers would realize that this life is just a journey everyone is making. Like in football, one success is not always dependent on the speed.
Live life loving, liking and laughing last: the one who “laughs last, laughs longest” (Flynn, 2021; Poole et al., 2015) and best. This is the true story about football! The team that scores first in a football match is not always the one that wins the match. Life is like a football! Irrespective of how good you are; you cannot play football alone and enjoy it or for others to enjoy it. You can dribble with the ball alone to entertain some people who like dribbling, but when it comes to playing football itself, you need some people to join you. That is exactly how life is!
What makes football more enjoyable is the ability to score goals. This scoring of goals is likened to accomplishments of tasks or achievements in life (Helldén et al., 2022; UN DESA, 2022). Like scoring goals in football, you need others to be able to accomplish whatever goal or target that you have set for yourself. You cannot be the goal keeper and score yourself; or the referee to accept your own goal at the same time. No one would enjoy it! You yourself will not even enjoy it.
In football match, the referee accepting the goal that you have scored showed that you and your team have really worked hard for it and have scored legally. Your score is only accepted as a goal after the referee blows his/her whistle in your favor of scoring the Goal Keeper of your opponents’ team. In the law court the same happened! Irrespective of how good your case is and the evidence that you might have provided, it is only when the Judge rules in your favor that you become the winner.
Two or more people have to pass the ball to you before you can be able to score. That is exactly how life is! We need each other to be able to succeed and have our individual dreams or aspirations achieved for the common good (UN DESA, 2022). The seller needs the buyer and the buyer needs the seller, that is how life. No one is completely self-dependent! The only person on earth who is can be completely self-dependent is one who can do business in space or any planet aside the earth, and still gets customers.
No matter how best a striker can play, he/she cannot take a ball from one pole to the other pole and score. Even if he/she alone scores and the Goal Keeper, Defenders, and Midfielders become reluctant; the opponent team will score more goals to win the match. There are only five persons on a football field: Goal Keepers, Defenders, Attackers/Midfielders, Strikers, and the Referees. But though the commentators and spectators are not on the field playing, without them no football match would be entertaining and enjoyable. In life we need all these and especially a good referee to win (Santos et al., 2021; Sangnier et al., 2019; Chmura et al., 2018).
Though a coach is very important in every team; on the field of play he/she is just a spectator, the referees (the ones blowing the whistle and their assistants) are in charge of every football match from start to finish. In every football match, there is ONLY one referee assisted by two assistant referees. This referee determines whether a ball in the net is a legal goal or not: you can score but until the referee whistles to confirm it as a goal, you have no goal (Santos et al., 2021; Sangnier et al., 2019; Chmura et al., 2018).
In our lives as humans, God is the referee with His two assistants as the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16-17). Everyone on earth is a living testimony of the power and beauty of God’s creation! If 2023 is going to be a memorable year in your life, then you cannot start the year and forget about the Creator of Heaven and Earth. No matter how good a team is, it can NEVER play without a referee! So, my dear brother and sister; no matter how good you might be in life; you need God and His assistants to live a PEACEFUL life. All sins that you commit in secret thinking that no one has seen you, God has seen you.
The Goal Keeper in your life is Prayer. We use prayer as believers to avert any evil plan(s) of the enemy or enemies against our lives, loved ones and family members. Some of us are healthy, happy, and are enjoying peacefully because of God continuously answering our prayers. The Defender in our lives is the Word of God, no matter which religion you might belong to; you need the word of God my dear brother and sister. The problems that we have with some religious practices is not because those religions are bad, it is because of the activities of man.
Living life without the word of God is like playing footballs without any rules guiding it or without referee. In the game of football, you cannot play a fair game when you do not want to apply the rules of football. The Ten (10) Commandments of God (TEEB a, 2022; Reinhardt, 2021; Snell & Overbey, 2008) are not given to only some specific religious groups; they are meant for the protection of every human being on earth.
The sacraments of reconciliation or prayers for forgiveness (Reinhardt, 2021; Leget, 2020; Renz et al., 2020) are not meant for some specific people, but anyone who believes in God. The Commandments of God that guide people, in terms of football match, are like the rules of the match that guide footballers on what to do and what they must not do.
Practically our lives on this earth, apart from the fact that the word of God will determine whether one would go to Heaven or hell; most nations make their laws from His word (Arbil, 2007). Example, Saudi Arabia uses Sharia law which is from the Holy Quran (Robinson, 2021; Narmah-Alqasim, 2017) whilst most of the laws of Israel are also from the Holy Bible (TEEB, 2023). These laws also indirectly reflect the largest religions on earth Christianity, Islam and Hinduism (PET, 2021).
Christians around the world in April 2018 were shocked at a Californian’s bill threatening to disregard freedom of religion and would not allow religious bodies to speak freely on issues of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders ‘LGBT’ (Jones, 2018). Expressing one’s mind freely about an issue of biblical concern must not be a crime, but how the person does it is also another issue of concern. Jesus has set an example of how people who are tagged as sinners should be treated, he did not show hatred to the woman caught in adultery. Except it is intentional murder, they need forgiveness and support to overcome their sins.
So, when a woman caught in adultery was sent to him; the Scribes and Pharisees wanted to trap him with a bias judgment and use it against him. To their surprise, Jesus practically applied his preaching by giving a fair judgment in an indirect way. He did not even answer his entrappers; he only told them that those who are without sins should be the first to throw at woman. Before he could lift up his head again everyone has vanished without a single even making an attempt. He did not also condemn her but told her not sin any more (John, 8:3-11. KJV. 1611).
Attacking the person or group is wrong; approach the problem but not the human being. If someone is a gay/lesbian and you hate the person you are rather pushing him or her into it. Showing love to a gay/lesbian does not make you one of them. The Golden Rule which says that we should “do onto others as” we would want the same treatment from them is found in both Holy Books (Editor., 2019; Nelson-Coffey, 2016). So, as one chastises another would he/she be comfortable if the same is measured unto him/her?
Your striker is Faith! Unfortunately, faith has become one of our problems on earth all because of religious discrimination or sabotage. Faith to me is just a confirmation of how different we are as humans – some are short: others are tall, some are fat: others are slim, some colored: others are dark, but we are one people uniquely unique and united by our differences (Wonah, 2023;, 2011). Our differences indeed, make life beautiful! It is only through these differences that one can be able to assess whether he/she is tolerant or not.
The parable of “the Good Samaritan” which is about the journey from Jerusalem to Jericho is telling us about the beauty of these differences (Corpora, 2022; Lu, 2022). The helpless traveler got help from someone who, in normal situation, is supposed to be his worst enemy. Those that everyone would normally expect to offer help to him got reasons to ignore him but his enemy rather saved him and paid his bills. Each and every one of us at certain point in life might have personal encounters of this, though it is a parable.
I am a living testimony of this parable! The people who touched my heart most are not only from my family, tribe, religion or even my own church. Most of these people are from different tribes and religions. Though I am a Christian, I feel more accepted by Muslims any time I am with them; even more than my own religious members. So, should our differences; especially in faith, be threat to national or international peace? Faith really is likened to the food that we eat daily (as I posted on Facebook, 17th Nov., 2015).
No matter how good one can be he/she must have a supportive environment to help bring out the good in that person. Our environment is the Attacker/Midfielder! If the midfield of a team is not good, players form the opposing team can easily penetrate into their defense and cause havoc. You need the midfielders to attack players of the opposite team as they approach with the ball and you also need them to pass the ball to the strikers to score.
Whatever we do in our lives us humans, if our environment is violent or not supportive it is like beating a dead horse. For the Goal Keeper, Defender, Attacker/Midfielder, Striker, and the Referee to do their work well; there must be a supportive environment. It takes each and every one of us to create that supportive environment. To please the Referee (God), we must try to live a live without blemish by saying no to all forms of sins.
Continued prayer (the Goal Keeper) together with reading the Holy Books (Defender) can help us come out of our shameless sins. Prayer and the Holy Books can also help us build our Faith (Striker) and when we have faith in what the Holy Books (Defender/Laws of the Referee) teach, we can also in turn create peaceful environments (Attackers/Midfielders) for life (the Match).
“He Who Laughs Last Laughs Best” is an old expression that originated from England, 1608 (Martin, 2018). Friedrich Nietzsche however say’s in contrary to this saying that, “He who laughs best today, will also laughs last”. Both sayings are right but with exceptions as applicable to most situations, and they can be noticed during a football match! Most football experts always say that a football match is won in the second half: not the first. So, no matter how many goals a team might have scored in the first half, it is only by the end of the second half that we can know which team won.
By the end of ninety minutes plus three minutes of stopping time (90+3mins), it was Croatia 1-1 England (, 2022;, 2018) but at full time it was Croatia that smiled victoriously into the World Cup Final, Croatia 2-1 England at full time of 120 minutes and 5minutes of stopping time. He who laughs last laughs best as France who joins Croatia later for the Finals, became the World Cup Winners! The lesson from the 2018 World Cup’s Quarter Finals and Final is that one must be careful how he/she treats others because of power, wealth or position. Time really changes and the time Changer who is God can change someone from “Nobody” to “Somebody”.
France started the Russia 2018 World Finals by opening the goal scoring with an own goal from their opponent and they also won the cup at last (, 2022; Sanders, 2022; Glendenning, 2018). This is where Mr. Fredrich saying is also applicable. We have watched most matches where we saw teams that were struggling behind became winners by the end of full time; teams started on good notes and end as winners. But there are also teams that started badly and end badly as well as team that started very well and end badly. Such is life!
Football Teams and the Matches They Play, Teach Us How to Be United In Life
If you are destroying someone in life because you think that the person is outshining you, you are not destroying that individual; you are sabotaging the achievement of the common goods of the world: the “SDGs” (Helldén et al., 2022; UN DESA, 2022). If players within a team see each other as threats, there would be no team spirit or unity and that team would find it difficult to win a match. The beauty of every good team is that irrespective of the individual differences, they pass the ball amongst themselves to ensure that they score and a match. That tolerance is what created a peaceful environment for the team. These are true reflections of humans’ life on earth!
Without a peaceful environment amongst team members, it would difficult to maintain team unity even during their trainings that lead to match. Some National Football Teams like the United States, US; Brazil, France; Germany; Italy; England; and South Africa are always sending a strong and a beautiful message to the whole world which most people have not taken notice of. These National Teams are mostly made up of people of different races or colors coming together a One Team (, 2022). Their victories in the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) World Cup; is that, being united with our differences as one human race; there is nothing that we cannot achieve.
With the exception of the US (Moore, 2022;, 2017) and South Africa, the other nations above have all won the World Cup Finals before (, 2023). With the current information, there is no other National Team that is more successful than Brazil in the FIFA World Cup’s history. If the players were allowing their differences to divide them it would not have been possible for them to chalk such an enviable success. If white players decided not pass the ball to a black player and vice versa, Brazil rather would have been the worst performing team of the world cup.
How Do People Make People Cry and What Are Their Effects on Global Peace?
Inflicting undue pains in others or trying to destroy them lead to the reaction that they give by crying! Sadly, the collective goals (SDGs) that would help to make the world a better place for everyone cannot be achieved without the contributions of individuals. Despite the fact that from microbiological and psychological understanding, it is not bad to cry; from the same understanding; one would cry because he/she in pains or is hurt Byun et al., 2020; Bylsma et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2016).
The world is really increasingly becoming violence! There are so many ways by which people are hurt by others and are made to cry because of those hurts. The major causes of these increasing violence and hurts are mostly because of materialism and money. This increased in violence globally can be detected in so many ways such as:
Increased forced marriage or child marriages,
Lack of sexual satisfaction and increased cheatings in relationships,
Normalizing stigma and discrimination,
Rising hate crimes using suicide bombings,
Increased honor crimes and murder.
The first two are briefly explained below:
Unwanted Marriages or Child Marriages Are Like No Fair Play in Football Match!
Do not force anyone into an unwanted relationship. It is the beginning of domestic violence and homicide. Some people can have sexual intercourse with you out of pity, but no one will marry someone merely because of pity! Forcing others into unwanted marriage or relationship is tantamount to sabotage (Peel & Caltabiano, 2021; Cloud, 2020). Sabotage no one in 2023: say no to sabotage as we have gloriously logged out 2022 and logged in 2023. The consequences of such marriages are increasing relationship problems which are becoming the biggest problems of the world.
Evidence of these is why some writers refer to any of such marriages as a: “Narcissistic relationship” (Cloud, 2020). In such relationships some partners treat their lovers like inanimate things that are not valuable, instead showing them love.
There are stories of young girls, in particular being forced into unwanted marriages when they are not even prepared for marriage. This makes them indirectly enslaved to the man because he becomes their only source of hope since their hope in life have been shortened by the unwanted and unprepared marriage. There are no amounts of words to be used to convince someone that child marriage is not a form of enslavement. Once the person is below eighteen (18) years, such a person has not been allowed to explore or prepare himself/herself before marriage. The person would mostly become dependent on his/her partner for everything.
Lack of sexual satisfaction and increased cheatings in relationships
One of the major causes of failure of romantic partners to sexually satisfy each other in bed is because some of them got married to wrong partners. Forced marriage or “child marriage” (TJC, 2020) is a contributory factor of people getting married to wrong partners. This has also contributed to the increasing cry of lack of sexual satisfaction amongst all sexes or genders.
“The recent increase in legally married couples ignoring each other’s sexual needs though it is one of the pillars of a happy marriage must be headache to all. Cheating though an old canker is very common these days than before! It is an open secret nowadays to see and hear married partners complain bitterly that they have being sexually neglected (Adinkrah, 2021; Quist, 2021; Mark et al., 2020; Zimbi, 2012). From available literature, wives in particular, are the ones who mostly do not want their husbands to have a taste of their honeypots (Adinkrah, 2021; Mark, 2020; Zimbi, 2012). The popular term that wives use to excuse their husbands from having sexual intercourse with them is: “Not Tonight, Honey” (Mark, 2020; Niriwa b, 2022).
Men used to be mostly known for always pressing their wives for love making, but now women also complaint of their husbands avoiding them (Quist, 2021). Some of them are mostly later caught red handed either engaged in sexual intercourse with a different lady (Niriwa b, 2022; Buabeng, 2021), co-worker (KN, 2022), their wives’ friends or even family members (Quist, 2021; Boakye, 2020)” (Niriwa b, 2022).
Recommendations or Suggestions: Appreciate God and Others Who Matter
As the year, 2022, has ended; welcome the New Year, 2023, by leaving all regrets and pains behind you. Approach the New Year with a POSITIVE MIND, having positive thoughts about anyone you meet. The best way to enjoy 2023 is to be appreciative for all God; Omnipotent, Omnipresent, & Omniscience, has done for you in life. Be appreciative to Him for divinely protecting, blessing & favoring you.
Start the year with Him by using both personal prayers and congregational prayers in Church, Mosque or any other place depending on your faith and believe. Do not also forget to appreciate those who touch your heart in diverse ways in 2022. Then apologize and ask for forgiveness from anyone who you might have wronged – whether knowingly or without knowing.
Appreciate the little that
others do for you and have it easy with people in life: it is not everyone that
would hurt you! Having a positive mentality about everyone in life; though it is
true that some can hurt you is the beginning creating peaceful environment around
yourself and others. Thank all those who have thought you lessons that warned
you to be careful in life. Also thank everyone, especially, those who
sacrificed their precious time to let you smile. You are one of them! Thank you
for putting smiles on my face in 2022: Thank you for Reading!
Note: This article was first published by the author on HubPages, 03.01.2023 on the link;
It can opened using google chrome, and Microsoft edge.
Some References
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