By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 16.06.2022, Last Updated on 25.07.2022
The recent increases in legally married couple ignoring each other’s sexual needs though it is one of the pillars of a happy marriage must be headache to all. Both sexes’ complaining of sexual avoidance by their partners has been an open secret, especially now. From available literature, wives in particular, are the ones who mostly do not want their husbands to have a taste of their honeypots. The popular term that wives use to excuse their husbands from having sexual intercourse with them is: “Not Tonight, Honey”. This can be stopped by proper use of partners’ anatomical structures during romance and sexual intercourse for sexual satisfaction.
The recent increases in legally married couple ignoring each other’s sexual needs though it is one of the pillars of a happy marriage must be headache to all. Both sexes’ complaining of sexual avoidance by their partners has been an open secret, especially now (Adinkrah, 2021; Quist, 2021; Mark et al., 2020; Zimbi, 2012). From available literature, wives in particular, are the ones who mostly do not want their husbands to have a taste of their honeypots (Adinkrah, 2021; Mark, 2020; Zimbi, 2012). The popular term that wives use to excuse their husbands from having sexual intercourse with them is: “Not Tonight, Honey” (Mark, 2020).
Men used to be mostly known for always pressing their wives for love making, but now women complaint of their husbands avoiding them (Quist, 2021). Some of them are mostly later caught red handed either engaged in sexual intercourse with a different lady (Buabeng, 2021), co-worker (KN, 2022), their wives’ friends or even family members (Quist, 2021; Boakye, 2020).
Though cheating is popular amongst men, women are now proofing that “what men can do woman can do better” (Muhammed, 2021; Bawuah, 2019). “Office husbands” is a popular term used for women cheating on their husbands with their co-workers (KN, 2022). Many men have also shared their painful experiences of catching their wives whilst they were in the act of cheating (Decency, 2021; Kamasah, 2021). For details on cheating, read “ADDRESSING CHEATINGS IN MARRIAGES WITH SEXUAL SATISFACTION TO PROMOTE PEACE, HEALTH AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A SILENT PANDEMIC. SEXUAL SATISFACTION, HUSBAND OR WIFE’S RESPONSIBILITY? PART 2” By the same authors. Coming soon!
This increasing refusal of partners to have sexual intimacy has not only contributed to increasing breaking homes and “domestic violence” (Abu-Elenin et al., 2022; Cedro et al., 2022; Wörmann et al., 2021; Gravningen et al., 2017), but homicides (Adinkrah, 2021; Canudas-Romo & Aburto, 2019). Homicide especially in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region is the highest in the world that targets mostly young males (Canudas-Romo & Aburto, 2019; García & Aburto, 2019).
To determine whether there is improve or poor public health, “Life expectancy” is mostly used. Unfortunately this is also mostly found to be low in violence environment, as seen in the LAC region; especially Venezuela (Canudas-Romo & Aburto, 2019; García & Aburto, 2019). Talking about sex and how your partner should satisfy you does not means that one is not God-fearing!
Also, one of the indicators of peace is a healthy population. Having peace is a multi-faceted process that starts with healthy individuals and family members who can carry out their daily economic activities to support national and global economy. Violence in any form, like domestic/intimate partner violence, mostly results in injuries or even incapacitation; in which victims cannot work (Niriwa, 2022). So, even with a peaceful environment Entrepreneurs need be healthy in order to carry out their entrepreneurial roles to support economic development.
But there are available literature that confirm sexual satisfaction during intercourse as one of the oils of family peace (Etvghana.com., 2022; Martínez-Abarca & Martínez-Pérez, 2021). Sexual intercourse is sweet and very enjoyable, especially when one has orgasm! Anyone who really enjoyed it or had full orgasm would never hesitate to submit to his/her partner request to make legal love together. One of the ways partners would learn to surprise themselves often in bed and have stronger bonds; is by appreciating the roles that sensitive anatomical structures of their bodies play in making them sexually satisfied.
If partners understand the importance of sensitive anatomical structures of their lovebirds, and how to use them during romance and sexual intercourse, they can serve as strong bonds in marriages. Picturesque reflections (or thoughts) of how these sensitive anatomical structures helped them had orgasm, would be positive psychological flask backs (Coria-Avila et al., 2016; Safron, 2016; Pfaus et al., 2012) that would make seduction of partners easy. The same processes would also make it easy for people in legal romantic relationships to easily have their orgasms or climax.
A man who knows what nipples can do at his back, even if he is not having sexual intercourse, would always want to comfort himself with the breasts. Knowing these sensitive parts and how to use them, would help both partners enjoy sexual intercourse, make them satisfied, and help reduced the low desires for sexual intercourse in marriages (Marieke et al., 2020). Most married women do not twerk like most teenagers (Admin b. , 2022) and some young single ladies do (Jonson, 2020; NDR, 2020).
To help promote individuals and family peace for global peace, quality health and entrepreneurship; this review seeks to help educate couples and the general public on how the anatomies and physiologies of their bodies after helping them win love can also help them maintain it. Through this review too, partners would also appreciate their anatomical structures and how they can help them not to only enjoy sexual intercourse but aid in orgasm.
The Basic Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology of Love, Romance and Sexual Satisfaction
The anatomical, physiological, and psychological processes of love, romance and sexual satisfaction have biblical origins (Ang et al., 2021; Jeanson & Tomkins, 2018). After God created Eve for Adam, the presence of Eve alone without even uttering a word was enough to force Adam to speak (Genesis, 2:21-25. 1611. KJV)! The physical presence of Eve triggered physiological processes in Adam that sent nerve messages to his brain to make him fall in love. He gave an anatomical description to Eve as a sign of his love, saying: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh…” (Gen 2:23).
Though some people can have sexual intercourse out of lust, most relationships are formed out of love (Stinson et al., 2022; Bode & Kushnick, 2021; Magon & Kalra, 2011). This love is then normally followed by romance out of the admiration partners have for each other and this finally leads into sexual intercourse itself.
What mostly attract both genders to each other is when they use their senses, the senses of sights (eyes) and feels (skins) to see and feel the physical beauty or handsomeness of their partners (Yousef et al., 2021; Hart et al., 2020; Murphy et al., 2018; NG, 2016). What normally results into the feelings that partners have for each other is the anatomical processes/structures (Yousef, 2021) triggering the physiological process (Yousef, 2021) to trigger the psychological processes (Landgraf & von Treskow, 2017; Safron, 2016; Sachs, 2007) of love, romance and sexual climax.
The appearances of partners that attracted their love ones, represent their anatomies, but the physiologies (Kim & Dao, 2022; Schmitt, 2002; Fisher et al., 2002) of their partners are what maintain their beauties and handsomeness that attracted them. Sexual intercourse is best enjoyed by both partners first falling in love with each other. The physical body of the person, his/her skeletal structure covered by the skin (sense of touch) is what you see and fell in love (Yousef et al., 2021; Murphy et al., 2018; Bartsch et al., 2015). During sexual intercourse itself, some of these physical structures (anatomical make-up) of your partner like the clitoris, nipples, penis, scrotum, ears, neck, and so on need to be played with at the same time for sexual satisfaction (Fig. 1.).
For a good sexual satisfaction, both the anatomical make-up of the body, physiological and psychological process are required. Anatomical make-up talk about the physical structure of your sexual partner that attracted you (Schmitt, 2002; Gideon, 2022). During sexual intercourse these physical structures like the vagina, penis, breasts, or lips are stimulated for sexual satisfaction (Wallen & Lioyd, 2011). In a video that is trending online, a lady is seen holding to examine a man’s penis before they have sexual intercourse (Gideon, 2022). The penis that she held in her palm is one of the anatomical make-ups of man purposely for vaginal penetration during sexual intimacy (Gideon, 2022; Wallen & Lioyd, 2011).
Men are caught unaware in many instances secretly admiring either the facial beauty, breasts (Gideon (a), 2022; Antwi B. , 2021; Ikeji, 2018), buttocks, hips or just the appearance of ladies (Kwadwo, 2022; Banahene, 2021). Any of these that has attracted the man to the lady is her anatomical make-up. Amongst these the buttocks and breasts of ladies are mostly seen being admired by most men (Opera.com., 2020; Fig. 1.). A lady endowed with big buttocks was seen selling plantains, she trended online as most people on the street wanted to catch a glimpse of her (Opera.com., 2020). They are the same structures that promote sexual satisfaction and orgasm!
It is normal nowadays to see naked ladies masturbating online (Kwaku, 2022) whilst others are fingered (Admin., 2022; Kwaku (a), 2022; Kpakpo., 2021)! What is means is that, such ladies can only have their orgasms or climax if you play with their clitoris or breasts whilst making love to them (Hämmerli et al., 2020) or finger them during romance. Some people may want you to suck their breasts, lick their ears, or necks. Just play with any part they tell to play with and you will see them moaning with ecstatic feelings. All these are anatomical areas of the body contribute to sexual satisfaction, especially the skeletal framework of partners’ physical appearances (Murphy, 2018).
All the five (5) senses of the body: “Hearing, vision, smell, taste, and touch”; using their organs: “Ear, eye, nose, tongue, skin” (Giugliani et al., 2020; Wood & Graef, 2020), all play important roles when falling in love and during sexual intercourse. Your final decision to fall in love is determined by your physiological make-up, but; using what you see, hear, or feel when he/she talks or touches you. Sometimes using the sense of smell too; the nice smell of the perfume that the person uses, alone (Wisman & Shrira, 2020; Borg et al., 2019; Borg (a) et al., 2019), is enough to attract others like the “nectar” in plants’ flowers attracting insects (Nepi et al., 2018).
Figure 1: Some Human Anatomical Contributors of Sexual Satisfaction (Retrieved from (Gideon (a), 2022; Ikeji, 2018))
Both human anatomy and physiology are used both during the initial stages of falling in love and at the final stages of sexual satisfaction or dissatisfaction. During romance after you have finally fallen in love or gotten married, all these 5 senses and their organs are used. You see or touch each other physically (senses of sight and touch; using your eyes and skin); you talk or listen to each other as you play romance touching your sensitive parts (senses of taste, hearing, and touch; using your tongues, ears, and skin). If any of you has a bad odor or use hurting words, these alone can put the other partner off. So, sexual intercourse cannot take place for sexual satisfaction.
When having sexual intercourse too, all of them are used for full sexual satisfaction. Though it is true that men are seduced by what they see and women by what they hear (Ruiz-Eugenio et al., 2021; Boakye, 2020; Brak-Lamy, 2015), both sexes have most of them being seduced by their partner’s perfume. Men can make use of hearing arousal of most women to help their partners have orgasm using false praises just like during “courtship” (Graff, 2020; Landgraf & von Treskow, 2017). Even without touching a partner, dirty talks using your tongue or rolling it to make a sexual sign can seduced him or her and make him/her eager to have sexual intercourse with you.
Whatever one does when he/she falls in love with someone and wants to attract him/her it will never work, except the physiological processes of the partners are activated. The hormones of the body normally sends information to the brain to help people make their final decision to fall in love (Sorokowski, 2019); as “neurotransmitters” (Seshadri, 2016). Most women like it if you can play with her sensitive parts like the clitoris or nipples very well before sexual intercourse; and once you can do that, she will ask for more.
Before any sexual activity between two or more people takes place, there must first be attraction. This is a three dominant dimensional process made of the human anatomy, physiology and psychology. Both the anatomical and physiological processes are what trigger the psychological process; and it is made possible using “Stress hormones” such as: “Dopamine, norepinephrine, and cortisol” (Seshadri, 2016). Oxytocin, a hormone that aids orgasm, is also needed for attraction.
Physiological process using hormones is based mostly on using the senses and their organs. It is after one sees what he/she likes and admire using the sense of sight, that these hormones are activated. Based on that physiological processes controlled by oxytocin attract partners and two hormones: “Testosterone” in men and “Oestrogen” in females (Timesfindia.com., 2021) that give people the urge to have sexual intercourse. This final decision triggered by the physiological processes, is a psychological process!
Though “Sexual dysfunction” (Amidu et al., 2011) is a known barrier to sexual satisfaction, effective use and combination of the human anatomy and physiology during sexual intercourse can facilitates sexual satisfaction. This is because there are other body parts of a lover which are also sensitive, and when stimulated can lead to sexual satisfaction or orgasm (Timesfindia.com., 2021; Santos-Longhurst, 2019). It does not only takes penal penetration to be sexually satisfied!
Dancing or Twerking as Example of the Application of Anatomical Structures
It is a known secret that dancing is a form of communication that communicate to all the senses of the body depending on it is performed and who is performing it (Basso et al., 2021; Darivemula et al, 2021). Even without touching, ladies in particular can seduce their husbands using only dance. As time is “dynamic” (Markosian, 2020; Marinho et al., 2018) and human behavior also keeps changing, so do the sexual behaviors of people also keep changing (Wisman & Shrira, 2020). In order that you do not become a victim of your partner ignoring you in bed, there is the need for lovers to also keep discovering different ways that they can use to sexual satisfy themselves.
All that romantic legal partners need to be able to entertain and sexual satisfy each other during intercourse are not in space. They are within them! The physical appearances of partners or their anatomical structures that attracted them, are the same things that they can use to satisfy themselves. If your partner does not want to get closer to you any more (Quist, 2021; Zimbi, 2012), you are the problem. It simply means that there is something that you were supposed to be doing that you are not doing.
Your beautiful breasts, chest, buttocks or face are/is useless if you do not use it/them! As most people in the world still perceive talking about sexual intercourse as a sign of ungodliness (Bless, 2020; Saunamäki & Engström, 2014; Dyer & das Nair, 2013), though this is a misplaced perception; lovers can communicate using their anatomical structures. Romantic partners should disregard this perception which is not always true about an individual, and create a good atmosphere for their lovers to freely communicate their feelings. One of the best ways of communicating amongst lovebirds; aside “sexual intercourse” (Lu et al., 2022) and using romantic love signs (Mostova et al., 2022), is dancing. This in itself can be a romantic love sign language.
Twerking is popular seductive dance similar to “Mapuaka dance” (Lockman, 2022; OperaNews., 2021). Nowadays, Teenagers and celebrities are the ones who are mostly seen twerking. It is a form of dance where they seductively throw or thrust their “hips” shake their “buttocks”, mostly bending down or lowly “squatting stance” (Lockman, 2022; Griffiths, 2017). Married women can make their home a happy one by learning to wear short dresses that would exposing them for their husbands. They can also dance with their miniskirts to shake their buttocks whilst using romantic signs languages at the same time to arouse their husbands (Mostova et al., 2022; Benjamin., 2022).
If dancing is a form of “medicine” (Angioi et al., 2021), it is because of its ability to serve as a non-verbal communication that sends strong messages to the brain to induce or change human behavior (Basso et al., 2021; Darivemula et al., 2021; Karpati et al., 2015). This is what makes dancing a power tool in behavior change medicine like autism, stress, or depression (Vander Elst, 2021; Duberg, 2020). This is especially very good for wives who complaint of their refusing to have sexual intimacy with them, since it is evidenced that men are aroused sighting something pleasant (Ruiz-Eugenio, 2021; Boakye, 2020)
The twerkings of a wife who a man loves and married can be used as part of additional options for seducing her husband. Like using “Pillow talks” and “Dirty talks” (Samor, 2022; Jameson, 2020), twerking can send strong long lasting beautiful flashbacks (sweet thoughts) to the brain to help connect romantic partners. Though twerking is an anatomical process and a form of physical exercise for a woman doing it, physiological and psychological processes are activated in her (Laird, 2021; Pollick, 2018) and the person watching. But there is little available literature linking the anatomy, physiology and psychology of humans’ love, romance, and sexual satisfaction and how these combinations contribute to global peace, quality health and entrepreneurship.
Conclusion, Suggestions or Recommendations
Only few partners with an erected and wet genital would reject having sexual intercourse. If your romantic partner is refusing to have sexual intercourse with you or let you touch him/her, it simply means that your romance is poor. The key to unzipping a romantic partner for sexual intercourse is a good foreplay with their sensitive anatomical structures, like the clitoris, penis, nipples, ears, or neck (Figure 2). Once you are good at that and can do that satisfactorily, there will be no resistance from your lover. He/she would even want you to do more of that for him/her! If your partner always request for a particular sexual experience and you deny him or her, he/she would look for an opportunity to get that from a different person.
A good romance can be powerful way romantic lovebirds can enjoy sexual intercourse and have orgasm without even penile-vaginal penetration. Every human being will like to have sexual intercourse with a bad boy or bad girl, but not every human being will want to marry a bad boy or a bad girl. Bad boys and girls make good use of their anatomical structures and that of their partners! Pretending not to talk about sexual intercourse is of the biggest forms of hypocrisies that will negatively affect your marriage and sexual life. Angels don’t have sexual intercourse! There is nothing wrong with legally married partners freely expressing their sexual feelings to each other!
Figure 2: Romance Is the Key Unzipping Partners' Zips
These are few Suggestions or Recommendations on how romantic lovers can use their anatomical structures:
1. The best road map to always enjoy sexual intercourse and for lovers to reach orgasm is to regularly screen themselves for any sexually transmitted infection (STIs) for treatment or cure. Love is more enjoyable and satisfactory when both partners trust themselves.
2. Relationship courtship is not just a period for studying partners’ behaviors as is always the case. Partners must know where and how each other likes to be touched mostly.
3. Wives must also learn to twerk/dance for their husbands like the bad girls out there. They serve as “Partner-related cues” to bond your marriage. Respect yourselves as lovers.
4. Wear short dresses for your husbands at home, especially when you are alone.
5. Complement each other often. Always reassure your wife of your love and her beauty.
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