Introduction: Understanding What Politics Is
on earth is becoming too violence, especially “political violence”
A1. Tolerance Is Peace
we understand what politics really is, we would see that there is no need to
insult opponents. The mentality that we have about politics is what leads to
hatred and insults! Politics, as its name implies, has many definitions from
various writers too (Bambra et al., 2007;
Bambra b et al., 2008; Leftwich & Callinicos, 1984). Politics
is: “The art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental
Hundred Million (300, 000, 000) spermatozoa are released during sexual
intercourse, only 200 of them get to the uterus/womb, but it is only one that
fertilizes an ovum for fertilization and conception to take place (Oliver & Basit, 2020; Trebichalská & & Holubcova, 2020; Alberts et al.,
2002). This alone proves that even our conception is political (Millions
of spermatozoa competing to fertilize only one ovum)! Our fathers have to do
everything possible (even to the extent that some of them lie, just like most
politicians do) to win the love of our mothers from other interested and
competing men.
is amongst “the oldest professions”
should understand that politics is “Democratic” (Kelly
et al., 2017) - it is about free, respectable, reasonable, and
responsible responses to responses or expression of ideas that you believe will
help make the lives of human kind better. The Mentor of all politicians (God)
never insulted his opponent or anyone! Insulting opponents does not sell your
ideas: it sells your dirty mentality to followers and secrete admirers. Anyone
who is involved in dirty politics or politics of insults is not doing politics
but he/she is doing nothing but discrimination or “sabotage” (Sarwar et al., 2020; Sriram et al.,
2018; Chowdhury & Gurtler, 2015).
politics is like children from the same parent who are thinking about how best
they can clear their parent’s land for farming – they are all having good plans
about how to best clear the land. For the father or mother, all that he/she
wants is that the land should be cleared within season for farming. If your
other siblings are giving different suggestions/ideas from what you are
suggesting, that does not make them your enemies. They may suggest that you
should hire a tractor to clear the land, because that one is faster. You may
also argue that it is expensive, instead of spending plenty money to hire a
tractor, you should rather hire laborers to clear it. This is what makes
politics democratic! You are all trying to influence your other siblings to
agree with you, but not by insulting them. You are also all still children of
the same parent: disagreeing with each other does not take away your genetic
belongingness as family members!
is no justification for politics of insults! It only creates hatred,
division/discrimination, violence, and disturbances that destroy our unity,
PEACE and development. But intolerance can to politics of insults which can
only be stopped through tolerance. UNESCO, 2017
and Verkuyeten et al., 2019 defined Tolerance to be: “Respect,
acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our
forms expression and ways of being human”. Tolerance (Fig. A1) puts our differences
away and brings “mixed communities”
or Suggestions
Ø Everyone
must make an effort to know or understand what politics is all about, this will
guide him/her on how to do decent politics.
Ø It
is not everyone that will agree with us, disagreeing with each other and having
different opinions does not make us enemies. We are only sharing ideas or
Ø Being
politically neutral is not about having no party, it is about making neutral decision
on issues of national importance.
Ø Being
a politician is not a crime if we use God who is the Chief Politician as our
Ø Our
ability to love, respect, forgive, tolerate, be patriotic, and be responsible
with our political messages, is what will help change people perception that
politics is a dirty game.
Ø If
most politicians would begin to be truthful and do evidenced-based politics,
the image that all politicians are liars would change. People will begin to
trust or respect politicians, and this will reduce political insults.
Ø The
moment any politician begins to spread falsehood about his/her opponent for
political points, he/she is indirectly creating a bad image about
himself/herself and politics leading to politics of insults.
Ø The
party membership’s card must be a tool for making politics dignified and decent.
It must not be a certificate for violence and crimes to spoil the image of
you like it please stay tuned to expect more. Thank you for Reading, but join
the campaign for peace!
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