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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Fathers’ Day and Happy Eid-ul Adha


Happy Fathers’ Day and Happy Eid-ul Adha

By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, In Gender and Religious Peace. 16.06.2024. 

Figure 1: Our differences are not the problems, but our mentalities.

Peace on earth without any gender, especially man, playing significant role is nothing but a night mere! God in His divine wisdom has ordained man as the head of every family for a reason (Genesis, 2:18, 21-22, KJV). Activities of some feminists’ activists are essential for promoting global peace. However, the too much emphasis on empowering one gender at the expense of another is a bombshell waiting to explode (Halperin, 2023; Aggestam & Eitrem Holmgren, 2022; Lwamba et al., 2022). It was very rear for a lady to openly cry out for a marriage relationship. It is now common to see ladies openly complaining of no man approaching them for a relationship (Ambajay., 2024).

Yet, there are also some men who are thirsty for marriage and wish they could be married. What is even very worrying now is that; proposing to some ladies is like a crime! Some ladies are seen openly abusing some men for proposing to them. Unlike men, some ladies are heard telling their dates that they are not their “class” (Figure 1).

What makes people and some religions violent is the environment! If the environment is toxic, the mentalities of some people cannot be delinked from this toxicity. Our ways of thinking, the sorts of comments that we pass or hear and how we treat our neighbors are some of the causes of these environmental toxins! To better celebrate men on this special day, cast your minds on the challenges that some mean faced even before they get married to their lovely wives! Urines were poured on some men but they persisted until they finally got married to their dream wives who poured urines on them. Aside these humiliations; providing for family members is mostly the responsibility of men!

Some feminists’ activities who truly have the well fare of women at heart; should be concerned about the too much empowerment of one gender over the other. Women are naturally created to submit to their husbands or partners in every relationship. Men are also tasked to always love their wives and care for them as the family heads (Genesis, 2:18, 21-22, KJV). Women in the past were mostly respectful and submissive than in this civilized world. Even elderly women, in the past, were respectful to any man they meet; irrespective of the age. Being submissive or being the family head does not make one gender more important or superior than the other. So, the general society were always protecting women too, though there were no laws enforced to protect them.

There is an increased misconception that men are mostly aggressive than women (Pulle, 2020; Helman & Ratele, 2018). But from scientific research, violence behaviors or aggressions are not determined by one’s gender (Meyer-Parlapanis et al., 2015).  Unfortunately, when some men report that they have been abused; they are mostly ridiculed (Dickerson-Amaya & Coston, 2019) or even victimized (Brooks et al., 2017).

Democracy on would become “democrazy” only people allow political (Besaw, 2021), religious (Muggah & Velshi, 2019) and other differences to divide them. In all these, man is always the one leading! Though men are not inherently violent, these violence behaviors have created bad image about masculinity, this can create hopelessness. Risky behaviors like violence put your health and that of others at risk. These behaviors are not proof of masculinity, they are threats to “health, peace and entrepreneurship” (Pulle, 2022).

God/Allah did not give separate Commandments to different prophets (Exodus a. , 20: 2-17. 1611. KJV). He gave only one sets of Commandments to only Moses to the world. Besides, there is nowhere in the Ten (10) Commandments specifying that religious members can kill in the name of God/Allah. God/Allah is a living “Being” who can speak as can be seen when He called Moses (Exodus, 3-13. 1611. KJV).

He is a God who can kill, as can be seen when the then King of Egypt hardened his heart to let the Israelites go (Exodus, 3-13. 1611. KJV). The same is seen when they yet hardened their hearts and chased after them on their way (Exodus., 14:5-31). So, there is no justification for killing ourselves for the claim of blasphemy (Pauldoski., 2022)! We are asked not to judge; for whatever measure of judgments, we give would be measured unto us (Matthew., 7: 1-2. 1611. KJV). If judgment is to the Lord, why do we take the law into our own hands in the name of fighting for God/Allah?

The best that we can give to world; as fathers is PEACE. As we celebrate world’s fathers’ day, the world is crying out to you for help because you can. Create hope in your child/children using positive masculinity: do not create hopelessness using negative masculinity.

Thank you for Reading!


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Happy Fathers’ Day and Happy Eid-ul Adha

  Happy Fathers’ Day and Happy Eid-ul Adha By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, In Gender and Religious Peace. 16.06.2024.  Figure 1: Our differe...