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Sunday, May 14, 2023

THE MOTHER’S LOVE: Happy Mothers’ Day, 2023

 THE MOTHER’S LOVE: Happy Mothers’ Day, 2023

By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 09.05.2021, Last Updated on 14.05.2023

How do people feel when a needle or thorn pricks them deeply? Though I am not a woman, I am sure majority of women when asked; would say that, the one day pushing though painful, is better than the nine months of stress and uncertainties (Pascal & Langaker, 2020; Fowler et al., 2020). No matter your status in life today, your mother is the one who was cleaning your anus.

No matter how one loves you, always remember that your mother loves you unconditionally in her womb, when you were still an ovum. You were not yet even a fully formed human being when your mother started showing you love in her womb as a fertilized ovum! Because of you she has suddenly become very careful with what she eats (Chakona & Shackleton, 2019), right from the day that she missed her period. She did not because she did not like she does not like what she used to eat, but because she did not want to hurt you.

Anytime you finish bathing and you are looking refreshing, ask a simple question; “Who was bathing me when I was nobody?” That is Love! Your mother was bathing you, feeding you, washing your clothing, carrying you on her back, and loving you at the time that you got nothing to offer. Mothers right from the time of conception practice the greatest commandment (Matthew, 22:34-40; Figure 1). If you think that you are the richest on earth, pay your mother for all that she has done for you for the world to see! Just as no one can buy life: so can no one be able to pay any of their parents in life!

No one can debate against the fact that mothers are very important personalities in societies! What mothers do for their children are numerous and cannot be counted. There cannot be a mother without a father: there cannot be a father without a mother! What this means is that whether a mother or a father you are all important and need each other. But there is an old cancer associated with the celebration of mothers’ day which is a big problem that needs redress. Some feminine activists are promoting gender discrimination in so many ways and unfortunately are trying to add mothers’ day to the trend.

When it is fathers’ day no man is heard trying to mock women or under rate their importance in society. But when it is mothers’ day some women are heard trying to create the picture as if women are more important than men. This is serious growing malignant cancer that must be stopped with immediate effect. Anyone who tries to promote gender discrimination with the guise of empowering women is not doing anything good for women. Gender equality must be gender equality and nothing else!

Some of the consequences of these behaviors are contributory factors of the increasing lack of sexual satisfaction amongst both genders (Abu-Elenin et al., 2022; Niriwa et al., 2022). Honor crimes are gradually becoming serious public health problems affecting all genders (AlQahtani* et al., 2023; Abu-Elenin et al., 2022; WHO a., 2020) and these discriminatory behaviors are contributory factors that cannot be ignored.

As we remember this mothers’ day, ask yourself: how do I also practice the greatest commandments in my life?


 Figure 1: Remember Your Childhood Days and Appreciate Your Mother

Recommendations or Suggestions

Ø  All genders are equally important. It is normal to tease each other but creating false perceptions as if one is superior than the other is a Bomb Shell and must be stopped.

Ø  It is right to praise mothers on mothers’ day but trying to create the negative perception as if men do nothing in the family must be stopped.

Ø  Wishing all mothers: “Happy Mothers’ Day” but on fathers’ day, it becomes “Happy Fathers’ Day to All Responsible Fathers” is discrimination and must be stopped.

Ø  Mothers and Fathers’ Days can also be used by couples to remember their marriage vows and give snail space treatments to each other. This can also help spice up your marriage.

Ø  Mothers and Fathers’ Days can also be used by couples for reconciliation. If any of you had wronged the other, such a day is very good opportunity to apologize for forgiveness.



Abu-Elenin, M., M., Elshora, A., A., Sadaka, M., S., & Abdeldaim, D., E. (2022). Domestic Violence Against Married Women During COVID-19 Pandemic in Egypt. BMC Women's Health, 22:94. Doi: 10.1186/s12905-022-01674-5.

AlQahtani*, S., M., Almutairi, D., S., BinAqeel, E., A., Almutairi, R., A., Al-Qahtani, R., D., & Menezes, R., G. (2023). Honor Killings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A Narrative Review. Healthcare, 11(1):74. Doi: 10.3390/healthcare11010074. PubMed.

Chakona, G., & Shackleton, C. (2019). Food Taboos and Cultural Beliefs Unfluece Food Choice and Dietary Preferences Among Pregnant Women in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Nutrients, 11: 2668. Doi: 10.3390/nu11112668.

Fowler, J., R., Mahdy, H., & Jack, B., W. (2020). Pregnancy. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing.

Gill, J. K. (2022). Problematizing “Honour Crimes” Within the Canadian Context: A Postcolonial Feminist Analysis of Popular Media And Political Discourses. J Societies, 12(2): 62. Doi: 10.3390/soc12020062.

Matthew. (22:34-40. 1611. KJV). THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW. In K. James, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty’s Special Command (p. 910). London: Cambridge University Press.

Niriwa, B., P., Gyamea, H., Dumba, J., Firm, E., Asaana, D., A., Ampofo, D., Ibrahim, M., M., Alorvi, S., Barima, A., J., Agyemang-Badu, S., Y., Allotey, S., S., Batuu, E., Jonas, J., Azongo, M., A., Asafo, M., K., Adu, E., Halidu, I., B., & Delle, S. (2022). Promote Global Peace, Health and Entrepreneurship Using Human Anatomical Structures: Sexual Satisfaction, Husband or Wife’s Responsibility? Part 1. Intern J Innov Res Med Sci. (IJIRMS), 7(9): 480-491. Doi: 10.23958/ijirms/vol07-i09/1478.

WHO a., World Health Organization. (2020). WHO Health and Peace Initiative. Initiatives, Retrieved from on 06.11.2021 at 14PM.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Public Sector: The Oil of Global Peace!

Public Sector: The Oil of Global Peace!

By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 01.05.2023

Face masks were never valued until COVID-19 pandemic! But, most of us today are alive through God’s divine protection and the wearing of face masks (Lai A. C., 2012) that prevented us from being infected with SARS-CoV-2. If there is anyone who does not appreciate the workers of the family who put food daily on the table he/she is behaving like the way face masks were treated. To know the value of workers you can refuse to eat for just three days (Cazzato, 2022), then, you will appreciate them in the next world. The popular saying, that: “A hungry man is an angry man” (Cann, 2022) is enough to keep reminding people about the importance of those who have been sweating daily to make sure that family members do not starve.

This saying also indirectly reveals the linkages between work, peace, quality health and entrepreneurship (Niriwa, 2022). There can be no peace on earth without the global working force! In our daily interactions most of us have probably come across a hungry person and have seen how the person behaved. When one is angry, even greeting or praising him or her is an insult. Hungry people easily become angry with the least provocation, and this can result in fighting amongst people; leading to hospitalization. Some can even become incapacitated and cannot work to support the economy.

No matter how porous our environment is, we can change it if we want! No angel can be brought from heaven to change it for us. It will take every individual with the zeal of promoting peace to change this by helping to change the perceptions that make people behave the way they behave. The little that anyone does to promote the working environment is an effort aimed at promoting peaceful national and global politics. If there is dirty politics in national and global politics (Lewitt, 2022; Alfa Shaban, 2018), the source is traced to our working environment. Really, “Politics is not a dirty game” (, 2023): people make it a dirty game! Politicians who make politics dirty are product of the working environment. Changing the working environment will change the type of politicians that we produce to make politics dirt.

Promote Peace Political Environment with Peaceful Work Force

Thank you for Reading!


Alfa Shaban, A., R. (2018). Politics a dirty game all over the world – Botswana's ex-President. News, Retrieved on 01.05.2023 at 8:40 AM from;

Cann, M. (2022). About A Hungry Man Is An Angry Man by Muna Cann. Essays, Retrieved on 01.05.2023 at 6:53 PM from;

Cazzato, V., Vicario, C.M. & Urgesi, C. (2022). ‘When Hunger Makes Everything Better Looking!’: The Effect of Hunger On the Aesthetic Appreciation of Human Bodies, Faces And Objects. BMC Psychol, 10:98. Doi: 10.1186/s40359-022-00807-7. .

Lai, A., C., K., Poon, C., K., M., & Cheung, A., C., T. (2012). Effectiveness of facemasks to reduce exposure hazards for airborne infection among general populations. J. R. Soc. Interface, 9(70): 938-948. Doi: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0537.

Lewitt, M., S. (2022). The Political Theatre of Dirty Hands in the UK Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Performance Research, 27(1): 115-121. Doi: 10.1080/13528165.2022.2136443.

Niriwa, B. P. (2022). Identifying the 5Ps of Life for Global Peace, Health and Entrepreneurship: Prayers, Preparation, Patience, Praises, and PEACE. IOSR-JHSS, 27(1) Series 6: 56-72. Doi: 10.9790/0837-2701065672. (2023). ‘Politics is not a dirty game’. News, Retrieved from; on 01.05.2023 at 9:10 AM.



Happy Appreciative New Year: 2025; Here We Come, All Glory Be to God!

  Happy Appreciative New Year: 2025; Here We Come, All Glory Be to God! By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa. In Religious Peace. 01.01.2025. Intr...