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Saturday, January 8, 2022

Take Responsibility of Your Health and Others Using Your New Year’s Resolution


Take Responsibility of Your Health and Others Using Your New Year’s Resolution

By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 02.08.2020, Updated on 08.01.2022

SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19; in early 2020 was a stranger! It has become our family member, co-tenant, co-worker, and a very promiscuous close friend in our daily lives; whether one believes it or not (Tinkorang, 2020). Since the beginning of this pandemic some people have been brainwashed to have a false believe that it does not exist (Beer, 2021; Staff., 2020; Tinkorang, 2020). Though it has killed many people and had hospitalized many, there are still some people who do not believe its existence (Banerjee, 2021;, 2021). The first step to taking preventive measures is to believe that SARS-CoV-2 is real and can infect anyone irrespective of ones status in life. This revelation is a problem promoting painful problems people go through in the pandemic, because it shows that most people are still not mentality prepared to take personal responsibilities against COVID-19.

Including your personal responsibility, resorting to resolving realistic health problems in your New Year’s Resolution would help you to always take responsibility of your health and that of others (Fig. A.). In this pandemic, the individual responsibilities that contribute to the “common good” (Albareda & Sison, 2020), is the observation of the COVID-19 prevention protocols by all and sundry. Every one of us is contributing to common good in the management or prevention of COVID-19 by promoting or practicing health prevention behaviors like using personal hygiene.

Examples of personal hygiene practices during this pandemic are the washing of hands under clean running before and after touching anything (Wong & Lee, 2019); the sanitizing of hands with 70% alcohol for the same reason (Owusu, 2020; Wong & Lee, 2019); the wearing of clean dried quality face masks that do not allow the nose/nostrils, mouth/lips, and chin to be contaminate or infected. The “social distancing” (Qian & Jiang, 2020) which is the best is also based on this personal hygiene principle where everyone ought to take responsibility in preventing spread of SARS-CoV-2 by practicing it. We ought to behave like this until COVID-19 is gone or is eradicated.

Anyone who has not yet made his/her New Year’s Resolution should think of what he/she can also do to help our common good in the COVID-19 prevention. We all have a role to play as the COVID-19 cases have started spreading again like bush fires! I want to be a bucket of water that quench part of this bush fire, also be a bucket of water to quench another part. It is said that: “Little drops of water make the mighty ocean” (, 2019; Vijayaraghavan & Bureau, 2011) that can quench any bush fire! If you did not know what to do, just keep on observing all the COVID-19 prevention protocols every day. With that you are doing something big! Thank you for Reading! Please, share if you enjoy reading it.

Figure A: The Perfect Me Mentality Principle of Disease Prevention, COVID-19



Albareda, L., & Sison, A., J., G. (2020). Commons Organizing: Embedding Common Good Institutions for Collective Action. Insights from Ethics and Economics. J Business Ethics, 166: 727-743. Doi: 10.1007/s10551-020-04580-8.

Banerjee, C. (2021). To these Indians covid-19 is not a pandemic but a scam. India, Retrieved on 25.12.2021 at 5:08AM from

Beer, T. (2021). Ted Nugent – Who Called Covid-19 A Scam – ‘Though I Was Dying’ From Virus. Breaking, Retrieved from on 25.12.2021 at 5:14AM. (2021). Shocking Reasons Why Some Bukom Residents Are Unwilling to Take COVID-19 Jabs [Video] . Local News, Retrieved on 20.12.2021 at 10:01PM from (2019). Little Drops of Water Make a Mighty Ocean: Supporting Science Excellence in Africa. Insights, Retrieved from on 08.01.2022 at 11:02PM.

Owusu, M. (2020, April 20). COVID-19 Pandemic. (E. Mensah, Interviewer)

Qian, M., & Jiang, J. (2020). COVID-19 and social distancing. J Pub Health (Berl.), 1-3. Doi: 10.1007/s10389-020-01321-z.

Staff., R. (2020). Fact Check: The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Not A Hoax Or A Conspiracy To Control the General Public. Everything News, Retrieved from on 25.12.2021 at 4:45AM.

Tinkorang, E. (2020, July 10). COVID-19 Pandemic; Investigate High Mortality Rate In Ashanti Region. (J. N. Asha Ibrahim, Interviewer)

Vijayaraghavan, K. & Bureau, E., T. (2011). Little drops make the mighty ocean. Opinion, Retrieved on 08.01.2022 at 11:10PM from

Wong, J., S., W., & Lee, J., K., F. (2019). The Common Missed Handwashing Instances and Areas after 15 Years of Hand-Hygiene Education. J Environ Pub Health, 2019: 5928924. Doi: 10.1155/2019/5928924.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Promoting Peace, Health and Entrepreneurship with Your New Year’s Resolution: What Is Your New Year Resolution?


Promoting Peace, Health and Entrepreneurship with Your New Year’s Resolution: What Is Your New Year Resolution?

Written By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa, 01.01.2022

Introduction: Many years have been coming and going, but it is a known secrete that some people even at the age of sixty (60) cannot give account of what they have been able to accomplice in life. Though violence and “sabotage” can lead to this (Bou-Karroum et al., 2019; Arampatzi et al., 2018), most of these people could not retire happily because of poor planning during their active working ages. So, as everyone is preparing for the New Year, the environment around us cannot be ignored. One group of people who cannot be left out when one is talking about promoting peaceful environment are our Dearests Journalists (Riaz, 2017; Kuusik, 2010). Journalists have been risking their lives to expose dirty secretes that are cancers of peace (Thomas, 2019).

Using SMART Objectives in Your Resolution: Life is a strategic journey that needs continued “strategic” and variable “planning” (Bailey, 2019; Mallon, 2019) that can help one to be able to survive it. To be able to do this easily without stress, one would need some aims/objectives; some of these might be short terms whilst others are of long terms. Whether short or long term, the objectives that one chooses or sets must be SMART. Choosing SMART objectives means that, they must be “Specific”, “measurable”, achievable/“attainable”, realistic/“relevant”, and “time-bound” (Bjerke & Renge, 2017).

There are many things that people always wish they could achieve but it is not possible that one can achieve all that he/she wants in just a day. So in making a New Year’s Resolution (Fig. 1B.), one needs to prioritize what he/she wants to achieve or do in life. This means that he/she must know what specifically he/she wants to do (specific); whether with the available resources (measurable) he/she can be able to achieve it (achievable); whether what he/she wants to do is something that is of importance with respect to his/her current situation(s) (relevance); and specific time limits or deadlines within which each objective must be achieved (time-bound).

As the world is really a global village now, whatever you do at your corner might ends up affecting others either positively or negatively. The COVID-19 pandemic that we are all experiencing did not start automatically with many people, it started with an index case in someone within a family (Cao, 2020). In every country, it firsts some one or two person(s) before it spreads to involved others (Kalan Farmanfarma et al., 2020; Kenu et al., 2020). So, though the objectives are about you, the general environment must not be left out. Has something in your New Year’s Resolution that would support the “common good” (Albareda & Sison, 2020; Haile, 2017).

One of the strategic ways that people can use to set their objectives in life, is to use: “New Year’s Resolutions” (Tempero, 2021; Höchli et al., 2020; Oscarsson et al., 2020). This is an example of the “preparation” (Niriwa, 2021; Niriwa b., 2020) that each and every one of us on Earth needs to do to help promote individual, interpersonal, national and global peace, health and entrepreneurship.

To be able to make a result-oriented/goal-oriented new year’s resolution, one cannot leave out “Self-assessment” (Taylor et al., 2020), we need to self-assess our lives not only during this time but daily or always. If one does not want his/her new year’s resolution to just be a formality, the preparation process leading to that; must be simultaneously accompanied with self-assessment of his/her life. Be real with your current situation or your background during the setting of any objectives or aims in your life. The same is applicable to the setting of a new year’s resolution. Anyone who fakes the setting of his/her new year’s resolution is only trying to leave a fake life for that year!

There are three inter-related triplets that help people to survive on earth and can never be ignored during the setting of a new year’s resolution. These are health, economy (entrepreneurship) and peace, which I tried to help people understand in a book that I am still writing (Niriwa, 2021) and always apply them in their lives for successes. Just like human beings need some synergies to create a conducive environment for daily activities, these interconnected triplets also work synergistically to help survive.

Understanding the 21st Century’s Inter-Connected Triplets of a New Year’s Resolution for Survival: Anyone who did not understand how health contributes to peace and economic activities should cast his/her mind on the COVID-19 pandemic (Cucinotta & Vanelli, 2020) which, though not a human being, has been ruling the world for over two years now. During the lockdown period of this pandemic, the world had experienced a rapid economic deterioration (Wang et al., 2021; Nicola et al., 2020). During this difficulty, many mental health issues or emotional problems were recorded as a result of the increased discrimination and stigma associated with it.

People not being able to go about to do their normally daily activities freely or continue their economic activities that can help them financial and material wealth, clearly tells all and sundry; how health can contributes to one’s wealth and peace. This also explains the popular realistic sayings that: “Health is wealth” (Carlson, 2016; Phrasisombath et al., 2013) or “Wealth is health” (Phrasisombath, 2013). The roles that the various genders are playing during this pandemic (Niriwa a., 2020; Niriwa b., 2020) are very important not only to help us curb the pandemic’s menace, but to also help create a peaceful environment for daily economic activities or entrepreneurship.

The saying that “Wealth is health” (Phrasisombath, 2013) also indirectly tells readers how entrepreneurship can also promotes healthy and peaceful lives for economic development. How? To get the wealth that you need to be healthy; you must do something or engage in daily economic activities (do business or businesses) that can be exchanged in return for financial or material wealth. These economic activities or businesses that people do daily for financial and material wealth are what make them “Entrepreneurs” (Pahwa, 2021; Duermyer, 2020).

Peace is the foundation of everything on earth! Without peace nothing can go on smoothly as revealed by the painful example of COVID-19 pandemic too. If any nation has never experienced a curfew/lockdown, the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns (Palmer, 2020) have made almost all nations on earth to experience it (Graphic, 2020; Crabbe, 2020). There were video circulations of soldiers giving disciplinary actions to flouters of partial lockdown orders laws (Ayamga, 2020; Crabbe, 2020).

The behaviors that were associated with even partial lockdowns in some nation like Ghana (Ayamga, 2020; Crabbe, 2020; Graphic, 2020), were indirectly telling us how important peace is and that we all need to be protect it. Those behaviors that were seen, like soldiers asking people to “walk” on their “knees” (Ayamga, 2020), are worsened than what happened when the peace of a nation is lost and a curfew is imposed!

What used to be normal and not a crime, like marriage ceremonies; can suddenly become criminalized, as seen in the COVID-19 pandemic (Dapaah, 2020). Life is both physical and spiritual! In a violent environment, both physical and spiritual activities come to a standstill. So, when there is no peace; it affects every activity of a nation and therefore mostly leads to serious economic hardships that can also negatively affect the health of her citizens.

Prepare for the New Year with A Positive Mind Set: Irrespective of the differences in our faiths, most humans on Earth believe that God really exists and He is actually our source of everything in life. Being divinely favored from a month of victory (December, 2021) or year of victory (2021) into another victorious month (January, 2022) or year (2022), is a testimony that; “to God everything is” really “possible” (Matthew, 19:26. KJV. 1611; Luke, 1:37. KJV. 1611). Though most people have different understanding and different interpretation of “divine affairs” (Shtulman & Rattner, 2018), most people believe that, “To God, all things are possible” (Smith, 2021).

This optimistic feeling is something that can give people positive expectation(s) about life and, therefore, serves as a source of hope to carry on with life whilst trusting Him. Jesus has proven the possibilities of God by healing all kind of diseases/sicknesses whilst on Earth and there are sixty-three (63) verses in the Holy Bible that talk say that there nothing that too difficult for Him to handle (Smith, 2021; Mc Tavish, 2018; Macrae, 1995).

January is a month of victory that begins many victories in life this year (every day of your life is a victory; every week and month of your life is a victory). If you have been divinely favored to witness this day, all that you need to do is to thank God for His favors and begin to put up corrective measures in your life. You can do this by first forgiving all those who might have wronged you in 2021. After ask God to also forgive you and start afresh. If you have been for something and you think that you are not getting an answer it, it could be answered according to God’s will or you should move into an action “prayer” now (Stupart, 2020; Smith C. , 2019; Fig. 1A.).

Adding Prayer in New Year’s Resolution as Your Spiritual Preparation for Peace, Health and Work: Prayer, according your faith, is your spiritual preparation! Without faith no one can be able to please God: He rewards those who seriously seek Him (Hebrews, 11:6, KJV, 1611). A Ghanaian gospel musician, Akua Serwaa Bonsu, re-emphasized this in her album “Ebeye Yie” by saying that: “Gyedie nnim a obi nti mi nso a ni” (Bonsu, 2020), meaning that without faith no one can please God. There are medical or scientific proves that prayers can heal (Andrade & Radhakrishnan, 2009; Krause & Hayward, 2013), this means that prayers really work.

One of the best ways of preparing a new year, apart from thanking God and asking for forgiveness, is a change of heart to change for good (McDaniel, 2019). When we thank God, we are not only showing appreciation to Him for everything: we are also indirectly giving Him the chance to still lead us in our journey of life (McDaniel, 2019). Behaviors that were not helping you and others should be logged out for you log in behaviors that would benefit and human kind.

Change of Behavior as the Hallmark of Good New Year’s Resolution: I was the biggest critics of Prophet Isaac Owusu Bempah, not because I do not like him but because of my love to see people happy and mother Ghana develop in peace. I personally admire his charismatic nature but I hate his intolerant behavior as a man of God.

Fortunately, he is saying that it is politic that made him behaved the he behaved that he is no more “for NPP” or any party but God (Ghanamma., 2022). He has learnt his mistakes and as a man of God I am sure he has prayed to God to forgive him for those behaviors, especially his yearly false prophecies against prominent personalities in Ghana like His Excellency Former President John Dramani (Offei-Akoto, 2020; Rauf, 2019; Reporter., 2020; Yaw, 2020) and our beloved Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr. Osman Nuhu Sharubutu (BBC., 2019; Mensah, 2019), which nearly cost him his life and turn Ghana into turmoil.

Prophet has made his intentions clear that, his new year’s resolution is a change from dirty partisan politics to do his do his as a true man of God. This is how all genuine men of God or true Prophets are supposed to behave! It is not wrong for a man of to admire a particular political party, but he/she must not allow his/her association to a political party blinds his/her neutrality as a Prophet or Prophetess of God. I admire him for his new decision as a Christian and I also salute him for not attacking me when I criticized him frankly with a neutral mind.

The lesson that every human being should from his public declaration is his confidence to dissociate himself from dirty politics and holds onto God. Though no one is sure whether he is going to “stick” to his “New Year’s Resolution” (Höchli, 2020) or not, it is an excellent and an exemplary behavior intension that needs to be emulated. This is a perfect example of a positive change of heart, mind-set and behavior that must always accompany every New Year’s Resolution.

Consequences of Poor Planning to Life Satisfaction, Heath, Entrepreneurship and Peace: Some of people go on retirement and even where to sleep becomes a bigger problem for them; as they still have to rent accommodation and go through unnecessary harassments that some house owners issue against tenants (Osei, 2021; Broadcastghana., 2021). Some of them even have to go and stay with family members because they could not put up their own houses before “retirement” (Pilipiec et al., 2021; Kpessa-Whyte, 2018; Scharn et al., 2018).

Figure 1: The 5Ps' Victory Prayer (A) and New Year's Resolution (B).

It is not wrong to take loan, but some people after retirement from active services, apart societal differences, are still compelled to be engaged in it in order to settle old loans or indebtedness (Naumann & Hofäcker, 2015). Some of them because of poor retirement plans, are pushed into serious crimes after retirement (Gh, 2021; GNA, 2021; GNA a., 2021).

The most painful thing is that, because our 21st Century’s World is materialistic oriented; some of these retirees are disrespected and discriminated by family members, friends, former co-workers, and even children (Vickerstaff & Van der Horst, 2021; Qin et al., 2020; Rippon et al., 2013). These treatments could cause health problems in their lives like: “stress” (Ewert & Chang, 2018; Yaribeygi et al., 2017) or “depression” (WHO, 2020; Assari & Lankarani, 2016). Depression can also cause hopelessness this would leads to serious medical emergencies or health problems like “cardiac arrest” (Desai et al., 2019; Huffman et al., 2013; Everson et al., 1996), cancers (Dauchy et al., 2013; Gross et al., 2010) or “stroke” and vice versa (Wijeratne & Sales, 2021; Khedr et al., 2020; Barlinn et al., 2015).


Conclusion, Suggestions or Recommendations

Just like prayers that need to be followed by action(s), a New Year’s Resolution without any accompanying action is just a formality. To help you get an action oriented New Year’s Resolution, I have given the following suggestions or recommendations using my opinions, literature, and my successful experiences of New Years’ Resolutions.

Ø  The first thing to note before every New Year’s Resolution is to use the 5 Interconnected Ps of Life (Prayers, Preparation, Patience, Praises, and PEACE);

Ø  Do not just start because you want to get a New Year Resolution, but first pray about it according to your faith or believe. In your prayer, thank God Almighty for His divine protection and everything throughout your life and the year. Ask for His forgiveness after forgiving others. Then invite Him to continue providing for you, your family or friends or all your loved ones and continuously divinely protect all of you in the New Year and years ahead (the First P);

Ø  Now tell God to guide you and let His will be done in your lives always, as you proceed to make your New Year’s Resolution;

Ø  All the above form part of your preparation to start preparing your New Year’s Resolution. As part of the preparation, self-assess your life genuinely to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Then decide on what you want to do this year and the years ahead;

Ø  As part of self-assessing your strengths and weaknesses, find out whether with you current resources; you would be able to make those decisions or new objectives realistic and achievable (the 2nd P of Life, this will run throughout like all the rest);

Ø  Have deadlines for whatever you want to do this year or ahead and be sure of how or identify ways that you are going to use to accomplice them;

Ø  After setting your New Year’s Resolution, pray about it again. Ask God to give you the strength and help you to be able to fulfill them;

Ø  Now, start by taking action with your first objective. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, but be careful and always aim at the best. If, unfortunately, there is a mistake do not lose hope. Pick up the broken pieces and join them together, then start! Sometimes, a spare tire can be better than an original;

Ø  Do not be anxious for quick results and do not let money be your first priority, your interest or desire to solve a problem can bring money! This is where the 3rd P (Patience comes, but it must also runs throughout like all the other interconnect Ps of Life);

Ø  If there is success, do not forget to thank God or give testimonies to motivate others (the 4th P, Praises or Prayer of thanksgiving). People who know how my life started, always glorify God for His miraculous or divine favors and protection. One day, I will publish an article about myself as a testimonies of what God is doing for me and my loved ones;

Ø  Contribute to the promotion of peace wherever you find yourself. This is the external environment that would support whatever you want to do. Without peace nothing only violence can go on smoothly in life. So never be part of who cause problems: be part of those who solve problems. If there is peace, everyone can do his/her daily economic activities and your New Year’s Resolution can also be fulfilled.

Ø  Peace is health: health is peace, both help you to work for money. So, if you have not yet taken your COVID-19 vaccination, please read from reliable sources, understand what is going on and go for your vaccination.

Thank you for Reading! I Wish All Readers a Happy New Year, and First Month of 2022!!!


Some References

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Happy Appreciative New Year: 2025; Here We Come, All Glory Be to God!

  Happy Appreciative New Year: 2025; Here We Come, All Glory Be to God! By Benjamin Pulle Niriwa. In Religious Peace. 01.01.2025. Intr...