What Is the Importance of
Self-Assessing Your Religious Life?
from the fact that most people practice religion with the aim of living a
peaceful life after death, most people practice religion for different reasons
best known to them. There are many instances where people are compelled to
leave their religion to join another religion or a different denomination of
the same religion. Marriage is one of those open secretes why some people are
practicing a particular faith or leaving their former religion or denomination
to join another – a search for love and PEACE. Because of this known secrete a
question has been posted on 2014, asking people: “Would you convert
to a different religion for a partner? Why or why not?”.
friend gave a personal experience where at least three co-workers and colleague
church members: two of them (in the same department), a man, left their faith
for a different denomination (Jehovah Witness) in 2007 and got married in 2009;
and the other, a woman, also left the church in 2012 because her ex was in a
different denomination (Pentecost), she broke up with him and got married to a
man in Presbyterians’ Church on 29th September 2018. The other one, a woman, left their church in
2018 and got married to a Muslim man that same year. These people did not just
get up and decided to join a different faith or denomination because of love or
marriage! They have definitely gone through a period of self-assessment before
they made their decisions; the fact that they were not disappointed after leaving
their faith or denomination, one can say that they have made good
self-assessments. She said: “The man and his wife are living in the same community,
working in the same department with me and they are living a peaceful and a
happy marriage life”.
also practice religion not only for peaceful rest after death but to also have
peace on earth too. In the decisions taken by these people in their search for
loving life partners for marriage or relationship used as an example above,
peace was a principal factor. No one can
withstand a relationship that is not peacefully but violent: every human being,
even the most violent, wants peace. If marrying in their own religion cannot
give them the love and peace that they are looking for, they will search for it
in any religion, and they are right. It is an open secret that the type of
marriage that you have, can determine whether you will have peace on earth or
whether you will go to heaven/hell after death. Ewherido, 2017 in an article:
“Getting married? Welcome to hell” confirms this fact. For more, read on this
is, however, something that has its root from religion. That is why marriages
rites are performed differently in different religions! In some tribes if you
know that you are the type who cannot stop cheating, then never try to marry
there; there will be no camera on you yet you will be exposed after cheating, and
if you do not take time too, you will die prematurely because of adultery. On
Sunday, 7th October 2018, Fr. Francis K. Yeboah Anane in his preaching
said that marriage is instituted by God Himself during His creation. God saw
that it was not good for man to stay alone, so He took man’s rib to create a
companion for him (Gen 2:21-22).
himself warned his followers against false prophets who will come pretending to
be men/women of God, saying: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by
their fruits …” (Matthew 7:15-16). You can never know this by magic except you
sit down to reflect on your religious life and also reflect on the happenings
in your religion. So, in leaving our religion or denomination to join
another because of love/marriage, we should bear in mind that there are False
Prophets out there. In Matthew 18-19 (KJV), he said that: “18 A good tree cannot
bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the
fire”. What this means is that, when we follow these false prophets and
practice what they do or tell us, at the end we will also face the same
consequence(s) that they will face.
Religious Self-Assessment
Can Help Us Identify False Prophets and True Religions
are many reports of some False Prophets bathing female church members, even
married women. On 4th March 2017, there was a video in circulation
where a False Prophet is seen bathing his female church member (Slombo, 2017). Jesus
was not referring to the real fruits that we all know, but he was talking parabolically
in terms of the behaviors of these Men/Women of God. In 2015 there was a
terrific video of a Pastor Forcing His Members to Eat Live Snake for
Deliverance; and surprisingly, his church’s members were seen in the video eating
it (Banjo, 2015). This same Prophet does not only make his members eat live
snake; he is also seen delivering naked ladies (, 2015) and even sitting on some
of them as shown in Figure 1A. These are the fruits that Jesus was talking about
and it is when we self-assess our religions that we can be able to see and
understand the sources of these fruits. So, Jesus added in Matthew 7:20 again
that: “Therefore, by their fruits ye will know them”.

1: 1A, Prophet sitting on a partially naked female church member; 2A, Church
Member Eating Live Snake (Retrieved from, 12.10.18 at 9:02AM; and, on 17th March 2018 at 10:25PM).
was arrested and being charged for animal cruelty (Byte, 2015), he pretended as
if he has repented and went to the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN) in
Nigeria claiming to be delivered by Prophet T.B. Joshua. News of his repentance
spread like bush fire with headings like: “Penuel Mnguni SA pastor's decision
to repent is a step in the right direction for 'end time' preachers” (Udodiong,
2017). Figure 2 shows a live picture of him on Emmanuel TV when he went for
delivery. So, I soliloquized; “Do these church members do religious self-assessments?”. Unfortunately, after confessing that feeding his
church members with “snakes, rats, insects and other poisonous substances were
not scriptural” but has given him the popular name “The Snake Pastor”, he ate
his words again; saying that he was tricked by TB Joshua to confess
(, 2017; Citizen Reporter, 2017).

2: Pastor Penuel at SCOAN, Nigeria (Emmanuel TV, SCOAN, 04.06.18. Retrieved
on 12th October 2018, 5:58PM.
self-assessment can help us to stop these shameful behaviors by False Prophets
who are destroying the trust and confidence that people have in True Chosen
Men/Women of God. If members do not support their inhuman treatments, they
cannot do them but what the members want. For every form of self-assessment, we
cannot leave out our vulnerable environment! These behaviors by False Prophets can help us make
decisions whether to join our lovers in particular religions and denominations
or not. To make things worse, the open
attacks on each other by our men of God who are supposed to be our role models are
very embarrassing/shameful and does not speak well of them as Men of God. We
are supposed to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14) attract others to the faith,
but if we ourselves are insulting each other as if Christ is divided; what do
we expect our followers to do? Just this month, the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic
Council reacted by responding to a colleague man of Man for attacking one of
their members (
These behaviors are common in all religions or faiths on earth,
using Christianity today as an example does not means that the other religions have
no problems. However, the only way we can turn these strange behaviors into a
blessing for all is when we constantly do religious self-assessment. Our main
aim for religious self-assessment should be directed towards pointing out loop
holes in our faiths or believes that do not allow others to know the truth or
even chase others who are already in the light back into darkness. Religious
self-assessment should also focus on elements in our religions that are binding
forces of peace on earth.
Religious Self-Assessment
Creates Unity and Peace
Our differences are there to prove whether we really love God and our
neighbors (Matthew 22:37-39)! Our ability to respect, value and accept our
differences does not show that we love God; loving unconditionally is what proves that we love God, it promotes
peace and unity. We can all love those who love us (Matthew 5:44-47). On 23rd
November 2012, I posted on my Facebook’s wall, group, and page about "Noah and the Flood"; where I said that all
the different creatures created a peaceful environment in the ark/boat because,
they saw the flood as their enemy. Violence is also our
On 28th July
2013, I posted that: “There is no religion on earth that encourages violence.
All the 3 major religions stand for PEACE … both Holy Books -The Bible and The
Quran stand for PEACE. If all the religions on this world stand for PEACE and
UNITY, and you are against PEACE or do not want UNITY; where do you belong? It
does not matter which religion, tribe, race, Region or Country you belong to;
if there's no PEACE, violence is no respecter of person”. In this post I was
emphasizing on the importance of religious assessment in promoting peaceful
environments. I posted another one too on 17th November 2015 that:
“FAITH IS LIKE THE FOOD WE EAT. I like Tuo Zaafi (TZ), the popular food of
Northern Ghana: you like Fufu, the popular food of Southern Ghana. … Why is it
that you do not hate people for liking different food but not the food that you
like? Faith is like the food we eat! You may not have any believe in my religion:
I may not have faith in your religion too”, but that must not make us enemies.
So, in religious
self-assessment, if your religion is always creating violence on earth; that
alone is enough to tell you that you might be on the wrong path! When Jesus
said: “Therefore, by their fruits ye will know them” (Matthew 7:20) he was not
only referring to the False Prophets but your religious environment too. Most
violence on earth are influenced by religious Extremists, Fundamentalists, or
Fanatics. The Boko Haram violence in Nigeria is an example of a violence
believed to have been influenced by religion. In 2014, it has killed 1,500 people
as at 31st March (BBC, 2018). It is revealed that since May 2011;
more than 37, 500 people lost their lives, 2.4 million people have been
displaced, and more than 228,000 Nigerians became refugees (Brown &
Abdulrahim, 2018). This does not show love but pure hatred!
I posted about the
environment on 29th July 2016 using gari made from cassava and two
countries – Ghana and Nigeria as an example. Religion really is like the food
that we eat! Though we do not generally hate people because of the food that
they eat, some people are discriminated against because of what they eat. In
the same way, though all religions on earth want peace; people are
discriminated against just because they belong to different religions (Especially,
Christianity and Islam). Discriminating against ourselves because of religious
differences does not prove that we love God, it goes against the teachings of
our Holy Books. Jesus told the Pharisees’ Lawyer who tempted him, that love is
the greatest of all the Commandments (Matthew 22: 34-39). How do we prove that
we love God when we hate our neighbor? Marriage is one of the ways that we can
prove our love of God. Killing ourselves because of religious difference is not
a prove that we love God, it rather shows how we hate Him.
Religious Self-Assessment Strengthens Our Thanksgiving Spirit
Another very important fact is that, religious self-assessment helps
us to identify what God has done for us; so that we can be grateful to Him and
be able to offer Him a good thanks giving offerings. In Luke 17:12-18 ten
lepers were cleansed by Jesus; but from the verse 15-18, only one of them
returned to thank God for healing him. The questions; “… Were there not ten
cleansed? but where are the nine?” (Luke 17:17) and the statement; “There are
not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger” (Luke 17:18) that
Jesus made, means that he was not happy with their ungratefulness. Thanks’
giving service is an expression of faith that also unlocks so many doors in our
lives; helping us to live peacefully! Take note of this, “… Arise, go thy way:
thy faith hath made thee whole” (Luke 17:19). This single person who was able
to go back and say thank you Lord, has gone through religious self-assessment!
prosperity, God’s Blessings or Protection, and so on which are all important
for peaceful life are some of the known reasons why people decide to join certain
religions or different denominations in a religion. Whatever your reasons might
be, the most important thing is peace and these questions (WHAP) need to be
What is the relationship between your religion and other religions?
How does your religion impact your life as a believer and that of others?
Do you feel accepted in your chosen religion?
Do you have peace in your chosen religion?
Self-Assessment Without Assessing Your Environment Is Like Bathing Clean Water
and Stepping Back into Dirty Water to Soil Yourself. In
conclusion, religious self-assessment helps us:
To make good decision(s) about which faith we should practice,
To make good decision(s) about our marital lives or search for life
To appreciate what God has done for us in life so that we can glorify
To identify the ups and downs of our faiths and how to address them
for peace,
accept the beliefs of others even if we do not share the same faith (The Greatest
prove of love).
Thank for your Time and for Reading. I wish you all Happy Weekends!
Some References
T. (2015). [Photos] Pastor Forces His Members to Eat Live Snake During
Deliverance. Retrieved from
on 17.03.18 at 10:25PM.
Brown, R., L., & Abdulrahim, I., A. (2018). Boko Haram in Nigeria.
Retrieved at from!/conflict/boko-haram-in-nigeria
on 16.10.18 at 13:41PM.
Byte, N.,
S. (2015). RELIGION WORLD NEWS: Snake Pastor Arrested on Charges of Animal
Cruelty. Retrieved from
on 12th October 2018 at 7:05PM.
Ewherido, F. (2017). Getting married? Welcome to hell: July 29, 2017 2:36 AM / IN Marriage And Family / Comments. Retrieved from on 10.10.18 at 5:10AM. Photos: South African Pastor Strips Female Church Members Naked for Deliverance Prayer. Retrieved from on 20.04.18 at 7:31AM
(2014). Would you convert to a different religion for a partner? Why or why
not? Retrieved at 10:34PM, 11.10.18 from
Slombo. (2017). Prophet Baths Naked Female Church
Members. Retrieved from on 08.10.18,
The Ghana
Pentecostal And Charismatic Council Responds to Rev. Owusu Bempah’s Attack on
Apostle Sam Korankye Ankrah. Retrieved at 4:38PM, 06.10.18 from
I. (2017). Penuel Mnguni SA pastor's decision to repent is a step in the right
direction for 'end time' preachers. Retrieved at 5:48PM, 12.10.18 from